AI is a Lie.

RaphaĆ«l A. to – 110 points –
AI is a Lie.

Really surprised by this LTT video. They were direct on the points that lately, in the mainstream, there has only been rubbish.


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Great video, he breaks everything down really well...

I might have to start linking to this video rather than trying explain what AI is vs what AI isn't to those who like to make general statements like "AI is a scam!".

Tangential fun fact:

Snake oil is a real thing, that actually helps with the some very specific problems. But it has to be made a specific way from a specific snake. We associate the term with scams because of the large number of scammers that advertised fake snake oils, or advertised it being useful for tons if things it wasn't.

My point is, many of the most effective scams rely on something that has a kernel of truth.

@nix @QuadratureSurfer A lot of alt-med and quackery is like that. They latch on to a single term or phrase or thing from actual scientific medicine, use it differently, and make absurd weird claims about what can be done from there.

Imagine being in that line of work and having to tell people you're a "snake oil salesman."