Thunderbird 115 "Supernova" launched to – 549 points –
Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox (

Textual words from them:

It’s our first step towards a more modern, more beautiful, and more customizable Thunderbird experience. We think you’re going to love it, and we are endlessly grateful for all of your support throughout the years 💙


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They finally updated the calendar so it doesn't look like it's out of windows 95? Thank god. I really wanna use it now but I'm too tied down to Outlook now. I guess I'll try to migrate.

If it had a mobile app it would make it much easier. The Outlook mobile app is really good.

They have renamed the K9 app to Thunderbird Mobile

I believe they've inherited the K-9 Mail app project but haven't yet renamed it. At least it's still showing up as K-9 Mail for me on an Android device.

Coming Soon^TM^

But yeah, they're plugging away at it yet. Basically, K-9 sat in maintenance mode for a good while, and while it worked, there's a lot of tidying up to do yet. I imagine they'll have the Thunderbird name on it once it has some of the bigger pieces in place.