Anthony Fauci says Trump dropped F-bombs during 2020 COVID call to politics – 111 points –

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How is that the headline? Not that "the president's priorities are fucked", but that he used a naughty word in private when he was pissed?

The 4th estate was left unguarded. Allowed to be slurped up by large corporate interests. Then gutted, consolidated, and replaced with a ton of AI that will spew whatever it's Masters want.

There isn't one single large media outlet I could endorse to anyone. Because this is what they are at best. At worst they are Fox news/oann.

WaPo got bought out and just ran quite a brave article on how they're about to be hollowed out.

I saved the authors names for when they get fired. Maybe I can follow them wherever they end up.

Yep it's sad on one hand to see the old institutions fall. But there is some hope. Journalists don't NEED them any more to reach their audience. Largely it was for prestige and reputation that they were still held in any esteem. And that's being thrown away.

I would still like to see some sort of association/group arise. Vetting every journalist individually by every reader is out of the question. I'm sure it will happen eventually.

Turns out journalists still need to eat, though.

Absolutely. Which is why it's important for groups and associations like that to exist to help and let people know which ones are worth patronage.

I'm with you. Trump disgusts me more than any human being alive, but I wish we could keep the complaints to the things that actually matter. I don't care about his odd use of bronzer, his hair, the size of his hands, what he eats, how much profanity he uses in private meetings, or any of that crap. I care that he will 100% put making a buck over the good of the country, doesn't think laws apply to him, is a racist and a misogynist, and stuff that actually matters for the head of a world power.