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How is that the headline? Not that "the president's priorities are fucked", but that he used a naughty word in private when he was pissed?

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Of the many jokes I've heard over the years, I've forgotten most. This one, which I heard about 20 years ago, I've never forgotten, and it still hasn't gotten old.

Just like Connor Clapton.

This is pretty ridiculous. Every politician is full of shit to at least some degree, and our "reporters" are horribly biased and broken. If they really want to do something about it, they can discuss broadcasting standards or maybe consequences for deliberately deceptive journalism. No single group or issue should have its own standard.

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I can navigate Windows well enough for my job, but I'd never choose it for personal use. I'm no Linux expert, but I haven't yet been faced with a problem I couldn't solve.

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If they ever get this perfected, the next step would be to deal with the inevitable "you actually have the wrong department. Please hold while I transfer you to some other asshole".

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He could be right, but it will come down to how the other Republican candidates handle it. If they get behind him and portray him as a martyr, there are certainly enough gullible (R) voters to deliver the election. We'll just need to see if the (D) turnout is strong enough to overcome that. On the other hand, if they unite against him, he'll lose the nomination, run independently, and split the (R) vote.

Option A is far more likely. We've seen over and over again that facts, legality, and consistency don't matter, but appointing judges does. A disgraced scumbag that appoints who he's told to appoint is infinitely more important than having "principles" without power.

Not for me. After nearly 20 years in retail, I can safely say that at least half the people out there are dumbasses. I'm sure that they'd vote for one of their kind.

I'm sure they'll do a very thorough job investigating themselves.

Yet? How would one turn into a boomer?

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Real front-line reporting.

It's his.

Not exactly a cancelation, but Star Trek TNG. All of the characters were far more developed than TOS's, which is why they didn't work as well in movies. Better for them to have their own episodes than to unsuccessfully have them share a movie. Any of them could have been just as good, if not better, as multi-part episodes.

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I basically agree. It's great that we've acknowledged that a lot of things shouldn't be said so casually, but there has also been an over-correction. I'm not going to call people/things "retarded" like I did at 13 years old in 1999, for examlple, but if you're getting butthurt that I wrote the word instead of "the r-word" for an example, you need to calm down.

I stopped drinking.

Someone wrote an article about this?!? Obviously the porn-related trial should come


Didn't say it was hard. To be clear...by saying "well enough," I mean that I don't have any major problems with it...I'm just no expert. I find that there are two many pointless "utilities" that only slow the machine down. Both of my last two (brand new) computers have had both Windows and Ubuntu installed before adding anything else. There's actually still nothing on the Windows partitions, but whenever I switch to it, it's like switching from a car to a bicycle. It's ridiculous how Windows can be so, so slow "right out of the box," while Ubuntu just works.

I haven't done any Uber driving for quite some time and never did DoorDash at all, so keep in mind this information may not be valid...

From what I could see, Uber never took a cut of the tip, so app vs cash shouldn't matter...but...I would still prefer cash, because I wouldn't be surprised at all if Uber did, in fact, take a cut. Though more importantly, just make sure you tip one way or another. There was something clearly faulty with how Uber calculated their fees for food as opposed to passengers. I did a few Uber Eats deliveries, but turned it off once I saw how little it paid. $2-4 for 30-40 minutes was ridiculous, and it only gets worse if you have any problems (food wasn't ready...or the customer has you bring it to their door which could be on the 8th floor of their apt building...oh, and you can't park at the apt building without being a resident...or maybe the Uber Eats driver before you grabbed your order). I strongly discourage using Uber Eats unless you're prepared to tip very, very well. Uber is barely paying them. I was only occasionally driving for Uber for extra cash around my full-time job, but there are people that are taking every ride that comes up because it's their only income. Until compensation in the food service industry is fundamentally reworked, always tip well.

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I'm just going to avoid the strenuous exercise part.

Obviously it's not The Onion. It's way too weird for that.

At least they got the military covered. What a relief.

I've been trying, but for some reason, it will not recognize my HD. I'be reformatted my drive...tried different drives...I don't know what else to do.

But if the headline started with "Democrats demand...", people wouldn't stopped reading there.

I'd say that's mainly a consequence of needing to produce so many episodes per season, not an indication that there were no stories left for the characters.

I have little doubt that the country will end up as some version of Trump's authoritarian state. The question is the timing.

I actually think that our best chance of avoiding it (in the long run) is another Trump victory. He will make those changes so abruptly that people will react far more strongly than if we slid into an authoritarian state gradually. I mean....think about the possibility of Trump having won in 2020. The DNC would have to accept that they need to nominate a truly progressive candidate, and people would be demanding change immediately. Instead, we're justifying Biden/Harris again because they're not Trump.

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