Make a raid 5 with two almost full disk and another one empty to – 22 points –


I am going to upgrade my server, taking advantage of the fact that I am going to be able to put more hard disks, I wanted to take advantage of this to give a little more security (against loss) to my data.

Currently I have 2 hard drives in ext4 with information, and wanted to buy a third (same capacity all three) and place them in raid5, so that in the future, I can put more hard drives and increase the capacity.

Due to economic issues, right now I can only buy what would be the third disk, so it is impossible for me to back up the data I currently have.

The data itself is not valuable, in case any file gets corrupted, I could download it again, however there are enough teras (20) to make downloading everything a madness.

In principle I thought to put on this server (PC) a dietpi, a trimmed debian and maybe with mdadm make the raid. I have seen tutorials on how to do it (this for example ).

The question is, is there any way without having to format the hard drives with data?

Thank you and sorry for any mistakes I may make, English is not my mother language.


Thanks for yours answers!! I have several paths to investigate.


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Not to speak for the person above you. But I believe they are saying they have 1 computer with a raid5 array, that backs up to two different local servers, and then at least 1 of those 3 servers backs up to a cloud provider.

If that is true then they are doing it correctly. It is highly recommended to follow a 3-2-1 storage solution, where you back up to a local backup and a cloud backup for redundancy.

Ahhh, makes sense. That kind of wrecked my brain for a moment.

Lol, sorry, I really tried to make it clear what I was doing, honest, I did! 😄

Yes, I have 3 local devices that replicate to each other, one is RAID5, (well, 2 are, but...not for long). And one of them also does backup to a cloud storage.

Not ideal, because 3 devices are colocated, but it's what I can do right now. I'm working on a backup solution to include friends and family locations (looking to replicate what Crashplan used to provide in their "backup to friends" solution).