It's real to Lemmy – 277 points –

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I am 51, so Gen-X, but I have been a skater, surfer, gamer and chronically online most of my life (BBS old schooler!). In other words, my speak has always included current terms which I use unironically. Except rizz. Rizz is just cringe AF.

There is no such thing as generational slang. There is just slang.

Sticking out my GYAT for the Rizzler, something something fanum tax.

Shoot me now.

I'm gen-x and I am at the point where I don't know if I say anything unironically any more.

(But you are spot on, slang is there, always, and it mutates as it is needed, but it isnt generational so much as sociopolitical and regional.)

My wife named my bird Rizz.

She says I finally have rizz.