How to write Hello World to Programmer – 438 points –

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What is that weird >>=== symbol? Looks like a cross breed between C and JavaScript here.

It’s a the right shift assignment operator so x >>= 4 right shifts x by 4 and assigns the result back to x. The code editor is displaying single double wide symbol (ligature) instead of the three character long operator >>=, I discovered today these are in fact well loved by some coders.

Yeah.. I love them. Makes my != look like ≠

If someone likes it but doesn't know where to find it, FiraCode does linea tires really good IMO

I totally thought because of how long the equals looked, it was multiple equals characters, not just >>= lol. That's what got me confused. Don't think these are things I'd personally use but each to their own preferences right xD

I guess it's a special kind of character called a ligature. They apparently are characters for combined operators. So in this case it seems to just be >>= all as one character?

It is exactly that. Some people really like them, others do not (me included). You usually need to go a little out of your way to get a font that supports ligatures for your editor.