Does anyone actually enjoy working out? to – 611 points –

I can imagine people having fun getting lost in the flow of playing a competitive sport. I've also heard some people experience a post-workout high. But does anyone actually feel pleasure in the moment while lifting weights, jogging, cycling, etc?

If so... what does it feel like? Is there anything the rest of us can do to cultivate such a mindset?


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Cardio is awesome, the runners high is real, but you have to be well conditioned so it's tough for beginners.

Sometimes, I also like to do workouts because it makes me feel productive while not being as mentally taxing as my 'job' of being a full time college student :/

Cardio is awesome, the runners high is real, but you have to be well conditioned so it's tough for beginners.

Hell nah. I spent 40 years telling people running is what you do to get away from the police. I started jogging during the pandemic 2 years ago. You sure as shit don't need to be well conditioned just be aware of your body and its limits which I will admit many people are not.