Thoughts on Desktop Operating Systems in 2024 to – 58 points –

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Not true, many games still don't work well on Linux, see any Forza game, and even CS2 doesn't play nice on Pop

What issues does Forza have on Linux? I can't speak for the Motorsport series, but I've been playing 4 and 5 on my Steam Deck and desktop for a while now without issue.

My fps tanks, but I'm using an Nvidia card. Max 30fps when I can get 90 on Windows.

Also the Xbox integration for the party system took a long time to fix. Maybe just a Pop_OS issue tho

Ah, gotcha - yeah that is definitely one of the pitfalls of Linux gaming still, which is the "there's so many different configurations and some of them just work, others don't" issue. I have an AMD card so perhaps it is an Nvidia issue - hopefully those sorts of issues smooth out once NVK is fully ready to go.