America’s housing crisis continues to worsen, renters are struggling more than homeowners, report says to – 419 points –
America’s housing crisis continues to worsen | CNN Business

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A partial solution is to remove nimby laws that prevent accessory dwelling units, duplexes, and medium and high density housing. Then you use the tax laws to heavily punish corporate ownership of low and medium density housing, and make it progressively more expensive for mom and pop landlords after a reasonable number of properties.

Hopefully this would lower the cost for single family housing, while increasing supply and variety of rentals. But somehow you'd have to prevent end stage capitalist collusion from fixing prices so competition could actually work to drive down prices.

Do you like HOA's because this is how you get more HOA's -- if the laws won't protect the desired community development, people will work together to create it and the result is something less efficient and less open.

This is why libertarianism is nonsense. People will quickly recreate all the old rules when they relearn the lessons that lead to the creation of those old rules.

How would the original comment encourage either more HOA's or be considered libertarian? Weren't they asking for more regulations and the addition of tax repercussions to disincentivize rental properties?

They want to remove nimby laws. I don't know how to read that as more regulations.