How did we switched from "Dinosaur are giant lizards" to "Dinosaur are giant birds" to No Stupid – 130 points –

When I was a kid, I learned about Dinosaur being "giant lizard", and it's been may-be 10 years, that I hear "Birds are dinosaurs".

I am curious on how the concept evolve, both among paleontologists, and among the general public.


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I don't think that is quite accurate.

We discovered many more Pluto-or-larger sized things that were closer to the sun than Pluto. It became increasingly obvious that there was nothing special about Pluto and we either needed to add hundreds of planets or "demote" Pluto.

I don't believe that is accurate. Beside moons (which don't orbit the sun), Pluto is the largest and closest dwarf planet.

Not the closest. Ceres is a dwarf planet inside the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.