Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows? to No Stupid – 239 points –

City boy checking in.

So, this one time out on a hike in a semi-rural area, the trail opened out on a grassy riverbank kind of place, and there were a dozen or so cows between me and the path onwards.

Now, I mostly grasp which end of a cow the grass goes in, but that's about my limit; I have no real idea how they operate IRL.

I ended up carefully edging my way past them and gave them as much space as I possibly could, and got extremely stared at by all of them, who probably thought I was nuts.

Just out of curiosity - how careful did I need to be? Can you just like walk through the middle of them, or would that be asking for trouble?


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As the UK’s deadliest animal, cows attack between three and four thousand people every year.

An expert has revealed this figure may continue to rise. Between 2018 and 2022, more than 30 people were killed by cows, according to the UK Government’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Deadliest other animal. There were 602 homicides in England and Wales in 2022/23.

To be fair though, there are way more cows than crocodiles, snakes, sharks or deadly spiders in the UK.