US Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarine surfaces off Norway in unusual flex as 'Doomsday' plane flies overhead to World – 128 points –
US Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarine surfaces off Norway in unusual flex as 'Doomsday' plane flies overhead
  • A US Navy nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarine surfaced in the Norwegian Sea.
  • It was accompanied by a guided-missile cruiser and two naval aircraft.
  • The show of force came weeks after Russia sent a submarine and naval fleet to Cuba.

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These subs all have home ports and can be observed when they leave, so that's probably not a big deal?

Well they can also operate unobserved for 9months to a year depending on food stocks and personnel

There's a lot of noise around a harbour, and unlikely to be opposition right outside.

Completely different than middle of the ocean.

I don't know... admittedly, I only remember some vague bits from Tom Clancy novels, but didn't Soviet attack subs wait outside the home ports for the SSBNs to try to stay on their tail, and they never managed to?

I should dig up The Hunt for Red October, I guess, but given current geopolitics maybe Red Storm Rising is a better fit :)

but didn’t Soviet attack subs wait outside the home ports for the SSBNs to try to stay on their tail, and they never managed to?

I wouldn't be surprised.

But I know one of the most classified parts of a sub, is what the propeller looks like. Because then you could determine what it sounds like.

Knowing one was at X location at Y time is dangerous because then recordings can be compared to other periods and if anything stands out...

Then you can search for that.

It's just a whole lot of risk in area we go thru ridiculous pains to minimize any risk, for no legit payoff.

There's just no logic behind this move or rationalization of it.