US Crime Rate Drops to ‘Historic’ Lows With Murders, Rapes, and Robbery Plunging, New Statistics Show to – 315 points –

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You just did the same thing

WTF are you talking about.

You do understand by engaging with the smears it brings you down with Trump right?

I always treat people the way they deserve. i.e. the way they treat others.

Joe Biden doesn’t get sleepy huh?

I've never seen Biden 'sleepy' in public. Like I have seen with Convicted Felon and Certified Sex Offender Trump. He's fallen asleep nearly day of his criminal trial. So the only reason to assign that adjective to Biden would be as a ridiculous Trump political smear.

You awful quiet over there, I heard you stormed out of the room and locked yourself in the bathroom last night. Is everything O-tay?

LOL. I haven't been quit at all dude. Guess you need to get your hearing checked out. Okay doke?

You mean quiet and You mean my vision. I heard about the you want to talk about it sweetie?

I mean that you need to see a doctor about your hallucinations.

I heard about the debate…do you want to talk about it

I've talked about it all over the place. I just haven't been an insecure asshat. Please talk to a psychologist sweetie.