US Crime Rate Drops to ‘Historic’ Lows With Murders, Rapes, and Robbery Plunging, New Statistics Show to – 317 points –

"Yeah, but the perception..."

Jon Stewart last week pointed out the irony of Fox News being unable to handle this data, despite pushing the “facts don’t care about your feelings” mantra for years.

The MSM is owned by big money just so they can use perception as a tool.

According to the FBI crime has been on a steady decline since the late eighties. The Freakonomics guys credited things like higher incarceration and legalized abortion. Another factor others came up with is the removal of lead from gasoline. It happened not only in the US but other countries also. Apparently airborne lead isn't so healthy for young developing brains and the drop in crime began when people born at the time of the ban were reaching their adult years

The freakonomic guys are hacks that have no idea on how to do sociology or econometric analysis.

Kinda seems like crime spiked during the pandemic, and now it's actually just getting back to normal.

Kinda seems like the crime rates has significantly dropped during literally every Dem president for the last 30 years. And that crime rates dropping when Dems are president is a very normal thing.

So there's gonna be less cops, right?

What do you mean? We need to get those numbers UP! It just means more and more criminals are getting away with their crimes.

Now is EXACTLY when we need to be tough on crime!


Unless you watch Fox, then the world is coming to an end every time a stranger or an unknown car comes down your street. Especially if they have darker skin.

If The Wire and The Shield have taught me anything - it's that all the stats are cooked.

When a felon can run to be a nation's leader one should likely question crime statistics for said nation.

One thing has literally nothing to do with the other, this was just a desperate attempt to inject your politics, lol.

How does the fact that a criminal is running for office serve as evidence against the legitimacy of statistics about the overall incidence of crime itself?

Why y'all hating my sleepy Joe

The only candidate we have pics of sleeping in public is Convicted Criminal and Sex Offender Treason Trump

I know it's low hanging fruit but you noticed I didn't say anything about being a supporter of either but I actually prefer Biden. Do you really think I give a fuck about pictures of a good or bad president sleeping? They aren't Gods

What I noticed is that you jumped on the bandwagon of ridiculous political smears. Just because Trump lies doesn't make lying okay.

You just did the same thing... except for yours are a little more graphic..You do understand by engaging with the smears it brings you down with Trump right? Joe Biden doesn't get sleepy huh? 😝

You just did the same thing

WTF are you talking about.

You do understand by engaging with the smears it brings you down with Trump right?

I always treat people the way they deserve. i.e. the way they treat others.

Joe Biden doesn’t get sleepy huh?

I've never seen Biden 'sleepy' in public. Like I have seen with Convicted Felon and Certified Sex Offender Trump. He's fallen asleep nearly day of his criminal trial. So the only reason to assign that adjective to Biden would be as a ridiculous Trump political smear.

You awful quiet over there, I heard you stormed out of the room and locked yourself in the bathroom last night. Is everything O-tay?

LOL. I haven't been quit at all dude. Guess you need to get your hearing checked out. Okay doke?

You mean quiet and You mean my vision. I heard about the you want to talk about it sweetie?

I mean that you need to see a doctor about your hallucinations.

I heard about the debate…do you want to talk about it

I've talked about it all over the place. I just haven't been an insecure asshat. Please talk to a psychologist sweetie.

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“Data Considerations The data found on the Crime Data Explorer represents reported crime, and is not an exhaustive report of all crime that occurs. It’s important to consider the various factors that lead to crime activity and crime reporting in a community before interpreting the data. Without these considerations the available data can be deceiving. Factors to consider include population size and density, economic conditions, employment rates, prosecutorial, judicial, and correctional policies, administrative and investigative emphases of law enforcement, citizens’ attitudes toward crime and policing, and the effective strength of the police force.”

If you have have any reason to believe that this analysis is inaccurate, you’re welcome to provide a counter argument (with evidence)

Those caveats are pretty standard and uncontroversial when it comes to crime statistics. Source: I studied Sociology 101 at university.

Unless something has happened that would make people less likely to report crimes or less likely for there to be convictions, etc then I see no reason why these crime stats would be any more unreliable than usual.

Arguably access to technology should make it easier than ever to report crimes.

Well, I’d say that trust in the police and the 911 system is also at an all-time low, which could result in fewer crimes being reported to them.

Not that I think it’s actually a significant enough amount to account for the notable reported decrease, but you asked….

Well, I’d say that trust in the also at an all-time low

Because of Treason Trump's attacks on our justice system, law enforcement officers, and the rule of law in general?

which could result in fewer crimes being reported to them.

So you are saying that Sex Offender Trump is actively enshitifying the country.

I'm a lot less likely to report a crime after the George Floyd murder. Granted violent crime, like murder, tends to get reported regardless of a person's personal feelings about police, and reported murders are down

Literally, the publisher of the data explicitly states and explains why in the quote.

The drop in reported crime coincides exactly with the George Floyd protests. Saying that because reported crime went down, all crime went down without addressing the cultural shift of the relationship between the public and the police is dishonest.

I never made any kind of argument. I just pointed out that the FBI cautions the public from drawing broad conclusions to people who are drawing broad conclusions.

economic conditions,

i.e. Joe Biden

employment rates

i.e. Joe Biden

administrative and investigative emphases of law enforcement

i.e. Joe Biden

So… Joe Biden is America’s Thin Blue Line?

Looks like Joe Biden has made the 'thin blue line' idea obsolete. It's gone.