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Hard cases make bad law. Make sure the Nazi's rights weren't infringed 😬

I'm a lot less likely to report a crime after the George Floyd murder. Granted violent crime, like murder, tends to get reported regardless of a person's personal feelings about police, and reported murders are down

Mexico is a bad example IMO. The Zapatistas are right there. That's a pretty significant bit of territory the Mexican State has very little control over.

The system is designed to fail the vulnerable. Cops are domestic abusers, racists, and fascists. We need to develop ways to protect ourselves and our community. Wilkinson should have had an option other than the cops. She needed people who had been victimized in the past or at least would believe her and stood to protect her. Folks who would take turns keeping watch over her or give her and her kids a safe place to stay.

I don't think the cops can be reformed but that doesn't mean we can't keep each other safe.

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Having app developers be able to avoid Apples forced 30% fee is great. The fee is pure rent seeking masquerading as curation.

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People tend to think of anarchism as a power vacuum. As soon as a charismatic person comes in they'll start gaining more and more following. But that's not really how it works. Anarchy is about filling that vacuum with everyone. If a decision needs to be made you bring in everyone the situation effects to make it. You start at the level of a household to neighborhood to watershed to biosphere. A charismatic wanabe tyrant will be frustrated every step they take towards getting more power.

Anarchists develop structures and agreements that discourage concentration of power. They enable people to guide their own lives and improve their communities. When violence occurs, when agreements are broken the community decided what is too be done.

All that assumes you're already there. One of the primary differences between anarchists and MLMs (Marxist Leninist Maoists) isn't necessarily their longest term goals, it's the means by which they reach them. MLMs believe that they must use the state, capitalism, and by extension coercive control in order to reach those goals. That brings the risk of capture and co-option of those structures. They've also accomplished incredible feats of human uplift so I wouldn't say their position is without merit.

Anarchists see the revolution coming about through a unity of means and ends. They create a better society by building it while the old one still stands. Their groups are horizontally organized. They create organizations to replace food production and distribution; and devlop strategies for housing distribution (squatting).

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Yes, except a heat pump is capable of being more than 100% efficient because the using the power to move heat around is more efficient than converting power directly to heat

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Skill issue

That would be nice, but how? They have 50 years of excellent, unearned, PR. 20% of scripted television is about unrealistically wonderful cops. When a local government has a problem their first response is always to throw cops at it. Any time they get the slightest pushback they threaten to stop doing all the things the municipality thinks they're doing. Every time a cop's ability to do whatever they want, including nothing, is threatened a massive media reaction rises up to defend them.

That's why I think we need alternatives. We need to replace cops. The people who solve problems cannot think of themselves as sheep dogs protecting the sheep from the wolves. Someone protecting a potential DV victim from assault might need a gun but someone handling traffic enforcement does not. People running welfare checks don't need guns. People responding to a public mental health emergency almost never need guns.

Citation needed and Behind the Bastards cop episodes are excellent background if you'd like to know why I'm so jaded when it comes to cop reform.

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Buying clubs, when you and all your neighbors and friends buy directly from producers can cut out a lot of the graft. This lowers prices, connects you to your neighbors, and lowers the divide between the rural and urban. There may already be buyers cooperatives local to you. Some even give food based on volunteering.

My favourite theory of revolution is where these clubs start to encroach into housing and medicine. Eventually you have an economy based on mutual dependence and responsibility.

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Honest question? If joke, I don't get it.

Our protagonist meets Tyler Durden on a plane. They start a conversation, and Tyler talks a bit about his work as a soap salesman. Later in the movie we learn he uses human fat from a liposuction clinic to make it. Later still, we find out the process of making soap creates nitroglycerin he uses to make a bomb. That's all I remember about soap in that movie.

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When both parties agree on something it's almost always bad

Amy Winehouse. If she stayed a blues singer in London she might not have had so many drug issues made worse by fame.

Netanyahu has propped up Hamas for decades in order to separate the West Bank from Gaza. There hasn't been an election in Gaza for 18 years so nobody there had had the opportunity to choose an alternative anyway. Hamas didn't even get the majority of votes in that election. Finally, plenty of people who don't support Hamas, like queer folks and babies, are being indiscriminately murdered by the IDF.

The people in this photo are making a not uncomplicated but ultimately moral stance.

Because billionaires are morally good, hard working, and smart. If a poor person was all those things they wouldn't be poor /s

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Relative lines means each line except the one your cursor is on is relative to your current line. Like this:

5 5k jumps here





6 your cursor is here








8 8j jumps here

The main reason I like it is I don't like mouse ergonomics. Keeping my hands on the keyboard just feels better

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The nice thing about trials of corporations is discovery. We have evidence of Google intentionally making search worse, increasing the time spent looking for results, and this improving ad sales. All that came out in discovery.

I just look at the line number. If the code I want to edit is 17 lines up there's a 17 next to it. My ide window looks like my comment. Normally an ide would look like this












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Joke aside, looks like they're using a higher bandwidth of light, 222nm compared to more common 254nm uv for medical uses. It doesn't penetrate the skin or eyes sufficiently to cause damage.

The ones that are successful at enshitification have captive markets. They're a monopoly, monopsony, or in another kind of inelastic market.

I mean the trouble is most religions have been used to spread peace and war. The problem is not religion, it's just the tool. The ruling class will pick up another tool of propoganda to convince the oppressed to act outside their best interests. Feeling smug about being unreligous leaves you vulnerable to alternative methods.

Racism, sexism, nationalism, homophobia, and ageism all serve to divide us whether on a religious or "scientific" basis. No matter the justification we must examine what the end goal of all methods of social control is.

Effective to the degree they have a material impact on the economy and psychological impact on the powerful and their lackeys. I would argue many of the BLM protests had an effect, if minor, because many cops quit and many cities still have fewer cops than they did before due to difficulty hiring.

Blocking commerce, looting, and arson of empty buildings have significant economic and psychological impacts. From an American perspective, successful social movements like, the suffragettes, civil rights movement, anti-slavery activists, and workers rights groups all engaged in such strategies. It wasn't until well after that these movements were sanitized to be "non-violent".

More specifically the question is, does the statute in question apply to people preventing a government procedure from occurring? Previously the statute has been used to prosecute folks who tamper with evidence. They're quibbling over the wording and whether storming a proceeding is also covered.

It's seems fairly obvious to me that January 6th rioters wanted to stop the proceedings in a way that protestors of the supreme court do not. It also seems obvious that the government wouldn't want citizens to be able to legally prevent it's basic proceedings from occurring.

Also worth saying the defendant ran at a police line yelling "charge"

I think a lot of neolibs conflate the two because both groups are more likely to think the system is broken in a significant way. They're also more likely to do the worst thing imaginable, advocate for things in a tone neolibs don't approve of. Obviously leftists want good things to happen and conservatives want to hurt people so the conflation is just smug BS

There's another factor here. People who are vegan, sober, poly, don't drive, and any number of choices are breaking societal norms. Most people don't even think about these things as choices. They do the default. Realizing that there's a choice, and that this person decided not to do the default, puts people off. It makes them uncomfortable. They begin to question things they've never had to evaluate.

To be fair to the article, they don't talk much about stocks or GDP. They're mostly focused on unemployment, wages, and inflation. It's worth questioning how effective those metrics are given how the data is collected tho.

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The word you're looking for is regressive

We live in the most effectively propagandized society ever created. It hasn't been until more recently that it's started to slip. A lot of folks still believe in the old lies and believe that everything would work if we just got rid of the immigrants, Jews, and corrupt politicians. Still I think more people are waking up to the reality that this system is broken not the people in it.

This might be a regional thing. For reference I grew up in Oklahoma and "quite a bunch" seems natural and familiar. In British English quite has the opposite meaning so I could see why it wouldn't make sense in that context. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't sound right to other Americans due to regional linguistic differences.

Folks for groups and friend for individuals is my go to. Comrade if you want to be spicy

One thing Alex Jones does is parrot things a caller said several episodes ago. He'll vaguely talk about sources, shuffle some paper around for dramatic effect and claim that nobody died at Sandy Hook.

Lots of other folks do a similar thing. They will say something innocuous that some of their audience will construe to be rightwing or part of a conspiracy and praise them for it. From there they get pulled more and more into whatever ideology as their audience pills them harder and harder.

Plenty of Q anon folks claim movies and TV have secret messages in them. There are a bunch of theories about why fiction is partially true. One is, all these stories are priming the population for social control. Cultiral programming of some sort.

Another is the Bible. The flat earth conspiracy theory is based on a particularly literal reading of the Bible. The writers of the Torah probably believed in a flat earth. This isn't surprising given their lack of sea faring history, most folks with large boats realize the earth isn't flat because the bottom of the boat disappears first. Plenty of flat earthers believe that society is trying to hide that fact so we don't realize we live in a divinely created snow globe. From there they concoct theories on how such a world could exist.

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Any society that is not communism is not free. If your continued existence is dependant on you working for a wage you are not free. Being "free" to sign a contract that removes your rights so you can work and thus eat is not freedom.

A free society does not need to coerce you into doing things that are good for society. You do them because they are fun or fulfilling. In other words, the same reason people work on open source software.

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Bikers and Nazi paraphernalia have a deeper connection than "it looks cool and pisses people off." The biker movement and aesthetic arose from WW2 veterans. They were traumatized by the war and often felt they had no place in society when they returned. Many joined biker gangs in an attempt to find common community with other vets. Many wore plundered Nazi gear as evidence of their service to society and protest against the shit they dealt with from other citizens.

For sure some were neo Nazis or shit stirrers.

At the same time, it's worth examining the narrative Satanists apply to the fallen angels. They see the rebellion of the angels as an act of revolution and bid for freedom against a tyrannical force. They don't believe in a literal god or Satan but that story has appeal when they see an ascendant Christianity in American politics enforcing Christian dogma on the rest of us.

I think there's more reason and purpose in both contexts than they are usually given credit.

I don't think that's how people work. An individual can decide to think critically, act selflessly, but when you're talking about millions of people environment means so much more. A mass of people don't just do anything. They are the result of their education, media, and religion. When all these things are shaped by people with all the money it's no wonder that people are bigoted, short sighted, and disillusioned with politics. We live in an extremely sophisticated propaganda machine.

As long as people are sufficiently comfortable, things will continue as they are. Enough people need to find their material reality shitty enough that they're no longer willing to eat the shit we've been fed all this time. Things haven't been this concentrated since before the great depression. If we see a similar economic collapse. This time a collapse in the ad/tech market or obscene capital financialization, and we'll finally see a similar backlash against capital. We just need to make sure we finish the job and the owners can't slowly claw back political power again.

One of the easiest ways to resolve this problem is artificially increasing supply. The government can subsidize the production of food, housing, medical care, and education. It doesn't matter if people have more money if the supply of a good is always high. Having the government be a provider of these goods in monopolistic or inelastic markets would also be a good idea.

I don't think UBI should be implemented tomorrow. Subsidizing things today would be a much better first step. Several years of increasing supply and then starting UBI is a better bet.

They should regulate the weight of cars. There's no reason passenger vehicles should be as heavy as they are. For EVs they honestly shouldn't have as much range as they do. 150 miles and improved charging infrastructure, make charging easier for folks who park on the street, is a better way to go. Folks who need to drive more than that a day should have a hybrid or ICE vehicle. Ideally a small fuel efficient one. Folks who need pickups for work should be able to buy the small European versions or work vans.

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Maybe, "the blood rushed out of my head" would be a better line? Idk I'm not good at flirting

Sorta, this kind of thinking can only take you so far before the dissonance destroys your mental health.

Additionally, not everyone believes that just your mental state is yours to control. Many folks justify their own wealth by believing that they deserve everything they have and that people who have less by extension deserve their poverty.

I grew up a Christian. Many apply the label Satanist liberally to biblical scholars and other legitimate criticizers. I honestly don't think the label does them much harm. The ability to stand as a "religious" legal barrier against Christian Nationalism is served by their apparent distastefulness. If putting the ten commandments in front of the legal building also requires putting a statute of baphomet in front of the building they might think twice.