The Real Reason No One Is Giving Biden Credit for How Good the Economy Is Right Now to politics – 154 points –
The Real Reason No One Is Giving Biden Credit for How Good the Economy Is Right Now

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To be fair to the article, they don't talk much about stocks or GDP. They're mostly focused on unemployment, wages, and inflation. It's worth questioning how effective those metrics are given how the data is collected tho.

Seriously. Just an example off the top of my head: people stop being counted as unemployed if they've been unemployed for long enough. That's just one way they manipulate the numbers for whatever narrative they're trying to spin.

Just to clarify for others who had to look into this like myself, this is true for unemployed individuals who have not actively sought a job within the last four weeks. If you've filled out a job app in the last 30 days you're being counted.