
0 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

How far do you take this perspective? As a lefty that doesn't sound like a very leftist take, rather it sort of completely eschews the principles of solidarity and reason-based argumentation...

I do agree that feminism is about helping women (and that's great!), but should mothers not advocate for better mental health resources for their sons? Should I not advocate for better access to birth control for the women in my life because I'm male or for Ukrainian liberty because I'm not Ukrainian? Denying someone access to public discourse about a topic because they're not suffering the consequences of the topic seems a bit silly to me. And of course, men do actually suffer under patriarchy, albeit in a different way than women obviously.

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I don't think the issue is them "dealing with the problem", they've been doing exactly that, which has been reported on repeatedly since these shenanigans started. Remember Martha's Vineyard? NY/CHI/etc are upset because Texas is not communicating any of their actions to them, and misleading (trafficking) the migrants under false pretenses. I don't know how you can be on Texas's side here...

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Look stranger, no one is saying you're wrong to call out the problems with the economy. Everyone is on your side there.

They're saying that you personally made a mistake, and that's one that other people can and should avoid for themselves. If after 45 years you REALLY TRULY only have like $2k USD in your retirement account then you messed up somewhere. That's almost impossible the way compounding interest works.

Many 401ks are not actually invested by default, it's up to the account holder to assign those funds themselves. Guessing that's what happened to you. Unfortunately this isn't widely known for some reason and companies don't bother to educate employees about it.

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Actually the source is Axios, and the headline is not wrong even if it is from an obviously biased organization. You can see the original coverage of it here:


If you'd like to read it (and almost any other article) without paying I'd recommend this:


I could access the entire thing with a single click

Can you link me some reading material about this?

we literally suffered 9/11 because of Israel

I've never once heard Israel come up in the story of 9/11

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Personally, I feel that preventing fascist traitor scum from installing a dictator and subjugating the democracy would give me more trust in my government. The state would not have to justify that action to me, that is perfectly just already.

To be clear here, when I say "reason" I mean the fundamental capability humans have to use logic, rationality, and data to make decisions and inform their behaviors. If this is the understanding you had when you wrote your comment I suppose we just disagree fundamentally, and that'd be an exceptional take on the matter.

We can be both emotionally and logically intelligent creatures, the two aren't mutually exclusive and reducing people to their base emotional responses takes away from their agency. In my experience people are typically much more reason-based in their decision-making, even people who are victims of the term "unreasonable woman". We don't go around doing things just because.

This doesn't address your question directly OP, but something I've been doing here (as a sad former redditor of over a decade) is to relentlessly upvote anything I like or that contributes to communities I'm subscribed to. I was more of a lurker on reddit but I think if we can push more niche communities and posts into the "everything" feed this problem will hopefully resolve itself eventually through organic growth.

Do you honestly think the UN is that effective when it concerns international human rights? They approved a ceasefire in Gaza and nothing happened. There's a two-year long genocide in Ukraine and the UN just let's the Russian Ambassador carry on, and they've done nothing to stop them.

Things like food aid and whatnot they're obviously helpful with, but if the League of Nations was toothless then the UN is wearing dentures in my mind lol

I get what you're saying here but there must be SOMEONE reporting on this? I don't know any railroaders so I can't really ask them, you must understand though that it's hard for me to agree with someone based on a "trust me bro", especially on the internet. I also read the entire press release again for what it's worth, they seem to have only stated that Biden was pressuring lawmakers to, well, make laws. Here's the entirety of Biden's thing:

I share workers’ concern about the inability to take leave to recover from illness or care for a sick family member,” Biden said. “I have pressed legislation and proposals to advance the cause of paid leave in my two years in office and will continue to do so.

Seems pretty reasonable? Idk, all that said I am in support of expanded workers rights and if this is indeed the case I hope it gets more attention soon and can be corrected, because 4 pre-scheduled sick days is pretty stupid lol. I promise I'm not being disingenuous, I'm just really not stoked about the idea of another Trump term and people seem to want to do nothing but yeet us off that cliff. Biden has been a better president than I expected and I'd like to keep democracy goin ya know?

I was a little curious about this as well, how can you know whether or not this is dissuading the content scrapers? I'm familiar with like robot.txt but I'd imagine AI models don't respect that type of thing the same way.

Just curious, what was the let down(s) for you? I feel like they were pretty transparent about what the game was gonna be through the whole dev cycle

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The other commenter didn't say that, but also, shouldn't we be pleased that a politician, the literal President of the United States, is buckling to public pressure here? Isn't that the whole point of democracy is that they are supposed to represent the will of the people? That he is doing this in spite of his own personal interest is pretty amazing and stark compared to Trump.

I think we should take wins like this seriously, the system is working as it should for a brief moment here. Progress takes time, let's celebrate how quickly an 81 year old man is changing course on something lol

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That's fair, unless you do some wacky stuff they do rely a lot on forcing environmental interactions, if you don't want fights to drag.

Well for one, because if they don't then they will get precisely 0 money. If it is indeed about the money then we would absolutely expect them to sell no? Otherwise.... There's no money

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Atheists do not have theological beliefs, atheism is characterized by a lack of religious faith. If one is lacking in faith then they cannot still have faith, that is an incoherent position.

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Where did you learn this communication style? It reads very much like you're trolling, or you're pretending to not be a human being or something lol

Under this thought process, if Gaza isn't Palestine, should the Palestinians' state be recognized, what happens to Gaza? Is it absorbed into Israel? From what I can tell I don't think this is gonna fly, almost anyone talking about this and the Gazans themselves don't agree it seems

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Just to clarify for others who had to look into this like myself, this is true for unemployed individuals who have not actively sought a job within the last four weeks. If you've filled out a job app in the last 30 days you're being counted.

I wasn't confusing any merger, I was wondering what action specifically you were referring to is all. There were a few different points the FTC was concerned with in that case.

Whoever down voted you is coping, this is easily seen all over their products. RCS, headphone ports, charging ports, not allowing you to side load apps, the walled garden, yadda yadda. Apple makes good (really expensive) hardware but the rest is marketing.

I was curious, so I did the research you asked us to do. My best understanding after about 30 minutes is that historically, experiments examining fluoride neurotoxicity involve fluoride levels far exceeding the regular consumption of North America and elsewhere as provided in the water supply, so it's hard to get an understanding of the possible health effects.

There are more recent studies regarding this, however, that do indicate some level of toxicity to the brain in lower doses. Again though the data seems to conflict at times and requires more study. Here's a nice link for more reading.

You came in here making conspiratorial accusations about the government and invoked some aetheric "what about the animals" nonsense and provided no material to support your position so idk why you're confused about how you're being received here. Fluoride is indeed helpful in preventing tooth decay, so you're gonna have to do some more work than the tired old "Do your own research."

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New player experience is so dramatically improved since then, hope you're having a great time!

I mean, that ship has sailed though right? Israel will never agree to that unless it's destroyed.

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I'm not as sure of that as you are, but I hope we get to find out soon.

Lots of these men are Democrats and of course do not support this evil nonsense. It's Republicans, dog

Is Roller Mobster from a game?? I love this track, if someone put CB in their game I gotta try it

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As someone who loves both apps, you might be surprised with the functionality in Obsidian's plugin platform. I have to-dos, kanban boards, book reviews, media embeds. You can even use JavaScript to code with your files and their properties (not that everyone needs to do that of course).

I use Notion at work still, but Obsidian has come really far since I first heard of it. I will say though migrating has not been an easy process.

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There's no L in the image...

I think you're operating on a different understanding of the words 'faith' and 'belief' here. Do you believe that Tuesday comes after Monday? Do you believe the Earth orbits the Sun, or that puppies are cute? Belief in something does not require faith, faith is a specific kind of belief. This is the kind of belief I have when talking about God.

I do not need evidence to disprove the existence of God, much the same way that I do not need the same for Dragons, or Magic, or the Flat Earth. I am not claiming these things do not exist, I am simply not going to believe they do until there is some evidence of their existence. I would suspect you do not think that I am religious in my lack of belief in dragons.

I also do not "believe" in science. That is a misunderstanding of science, which is simply a methodology. One cannot believe in it any more than they can math. It just is.

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The Tuesday/Monday example being arbitrary is my point, glad you pointed that out. This is the casual way that I "have faith" that there is no God. In my eyes your choice of deity to worship is just as arbitrary, there are thousands of religions. The fact that some of them promise "hell" to "sinners" is not a reason for me to operate as though these things are true. There are just as many if not more spiritual practices that have nothing to do with eternal damnation, why would I operate as if any of these are the reality when they're all claiming to be The One Truth? I'm expected to pick yours just because you said so? That seems silly, and it's also silly to call this thought process "faith" I think.

Regarding the dinosaurs, we have fossil records, and that's a bit different than "God is gonna getcha, better be a good boy, believe me bro," but I do in fact believe that Jesus existed, because we have extensive historical context and documents talking about him. As stated elsewhere this is sufficient to generally consider a person to have existed. Most historians also claim as much, and I'm not a historian so I will defer to the experts. Whether or not he is the Messiah though, and has magic powers as stated in the bible, is a much more ridiculous claim. When you tell me a reality-bending zombie that is his own father exists, the burden of proof for that claim is much higher than "Did this person exist historically?" This is the point that FlyingSquid is making, which I agree with.

Is this not even worse double-dipping? Why would a server who makes $3/hr be expected to tip out the rest of the restaurant? That's the point of being able to pay them $3/hr no?

Wages being disconnected from company earnings is an even bigger reason for us to insist the percentage NOT go up...

You said the reason people are upset is that

the economy is not good for them. It's really that simple. Shit is expensive and most people did not get pay raises. Most of the ones that did get raises haven't gotten enough to tackle the increases in food, rent, and utility prices.

The article states however that

Even accounting for inflation, wages are higher today than they were before the coronavirus pandemic, and the biggest wage gains have accrued among the lowest-paid workers, resulting in a dramatic reduction in overall wage inequality.

Are you saying that the author is lying? Can you provide any evidence to support this one way or the other? Because your position and the article can't coexist, only one can be true. One is an investigative report and one is a Lemmy comment. You must understand how this looks?

Biden sometimes deserves criticism for sure, but not here.

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Shoutout to rats, really amazing creatures. Apparently they have metacognition!

Pretty sure it's been going on a while, but unless you've changed jobs in the last two years it's unlikely you feel these effects. Employers dont give raises in line with inflation but they're sure paying new employees a lot more than they used to.


Hell yeah, thanks!

I don't really think that the Gallup poll you linked refutes Carter's point, actually. Gallup and Carter are examining completely different data, and honestly, Gallup doesn't make a claim about what the cause is for these findings.

The poll states that 68% of Americans thought in December that the economy was worsening. But looking a little further, actually 64% of Democrats thought it was getting better, compared to only 8% of Republicans. It kind of feels like this is the actual information we should be concerned with in the poll, and that you're only giving me part of the information for some reason.

Regarding the CPI, it does track food and beverage as a core category.


The CPI represents all goods and services purchased for consumption by the reference population (U or W). BLS has classified all expenditure items into more than 200 categories, arranged into eight major groups (food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services). Included within these major groups are various government-charged user fees, such as water and sewerage charges, auto registration fees, and vehicle tolls.

I agree we have a lot of work to do still, but I'm sure we can also agree that a significant portion of Americans are also not very informed and generally make poor financial choices.

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What party though?

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While they would no longer be competing in the US market, any 'competitor' would have to do the work of gaining billions of customers in other countries, that are already entrenched into Tik Tok user space. I think that worry is kinda moot if you're TT leadership.