Custom Linux Distribution just for Gaming to – 250 points –
Bazzite - The next generation of Linux gaming

Bazzite comes ready to rock with Steam and Lutris pre-installed, HDR support, BORE CPU scheduler for smooth and responsive gameplay, and numerous community-developed tools for your gaming needs.


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FWIW, by creating your own images (through BlueBuild or tooling offered by uBlue) you could bake themes directly into those folders.

However, I totally understand why you'd not feel compelled to do as such πŸ˜…. Especially if your current distro/system works splendidly.

Sometimes, placing it to ~/.local/share/themes works as well*.

However, I totally understand why you'd not feel compelled to do as such πŸ˜…. Especially if your current distro/system works splendidly.


Sometimes, placing it to ~/.local/share/themes works as well*.

Ehh I prefer system-wide installation. I think it's a habit from times when installing an Android app with root (so the OS treats it as a system app) increased its performance.

Ehh I prefer system-wide installation.


I think it’s a habit from times when installing an Android app with root (so the OS treats it as a system app) increased its performance.

Interesting. Didn't know this was a thing.

Thank you for sharing those links, I have been struggling with making rpm-ostree compose go from a yaml to an ISO, these look like they might reduce the level of effort!

You're welcome!

FWIW, last year, through what became BlueBuild eventually, I had my own image with all kinds of modifications within a weekend. And, perhaps most curiously, I was a total noob when it comes to containerfiles, github, git etcetera. So, if I somehow managed, then you should definitely be fine.

Wish ya good luck! Consider reporting back πŸ˜‰.

Sounds like you ramped up pretty quickly! Were you pretty familiar with the terminal beforehand or just jumping in?

I'm chronically unable to finish projects but with such a fantastic tool maybe this one is the one? I'll try follow up if get something going.

Were you pretty familiar with the terminal beforehand or just jumping in?

Yes, I did have some familiarity with the terminal.

I’m chronically unable to finish projects but with such a fantastic tool maybe this one is the one?

I hope it will work out for ya!

I’ll try follow up if get something going.

Thank you for your consideration 😊!