Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web to – 570 points –
Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web

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So Mustafa steals from the entire world and justifies it by pointing to an abstraction that cannot be proven. It's already complete as they can admit it now and throw Billions at corrupt judges over a decade which will be too late.

These tech-god pyschopaths hate us.

Man this is fucking asinine. No one hates you. Certainly not the actual researchers and engineers building these products.

Capitalism fucks over everyone who's not immediately useful. AI is just modelling algorithms after neurons and discovering that that lets us solve a whole new class of fuzzy pattern matching problems.

The two of them together promises to fuck us over even more because that was one of the main things that we used to be better than computers at, but the solution is not remove the new technology from the equation, it's to remove the old and broken system of resource allocation that has and continues to fuck us no matter what.

Look at this AI paid influencer everybody! Who pays you Mustafa Jr? Most everyone knows that AI is gigging them now. When you steal from the world, that is definite hate but It was meant in the aggregate, stupified sanctimonious simpleton.

P.S. Take your "Capitalism Sucks" Marxist bullshit back to Russia, Vatnik and take Mustafa with you.

Lmao, the dumb capitalist corpo thinks Marxists are motivated by payment.

Learn how to think before you type.