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Lmao bruh.

You're a weird mixture of disillusioned and naiive if you think that the narcissist, sexual abuser, traitor, convicted career criminal trying to squat in the seat of power that controls one of the most lethal nuclear arsenal's supporters were going to be swung by rational debate over ideas.

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Saying things aren't comparable is just shorthand for saying "I've stopped thinking or considering this".

Literally everything is comparable, especially an antifascist and the person they're covering as.

No there isn't.

Tell me how you partially change an object.

Object User :

{ Name: whatever, age: 0}

Tell me how you change the name without knowing the age. You fundamentally cannot, meaning that you either have to shuttle useless information back and forth constantly so that you can always patch the whole object, or you have to create a useless and unscalable number of endpoints, one for every possible field change.

As others have roundly pointed out, it is asinine to generally assume that undefined and null are the same thing, and no, it flat out it is not possible to design around that, because at a fundamental level those are different statements.

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Bruh, there's a difference between the one or two serializing packages used in each language, and the thousands and thousands and thousands of developers who miscode contracts after that point.

Null means I'm telling you it's null.

Omission means it's not there and I'm not telling you anything about it.

There is a world of difference between those two statements. It's the difference between telling someone you're single or just sitting there and saying nothing.

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Sure, in a specific scenario where you decide they're equivalent they are, congratulations. They're not generally.

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They're not subtle distinctions.

There's a huge difference between checking whether a field is present and checking whether it's value is null.

If you use lazy loading, doing the wrong thing can trigger a whole network request and ruin performance.

Similarly when making a partial change to an object it is often flat out infeasible to return the whole object if you were never provided it in the first place, which will generally happen if you have a performance focused API since you don't want to be wasting huge amounts of bandwidth on unneeded data.

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I've never once seen a JSON serializer misjudge null and absent fields, I've just seen developers do that.

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Lmao, the dumb capitalist corpo thinks Marxists are motivated by payment.

Learn how to think before you type.

You're describing how human beings learn and create.

The problem with copyright has nothing to do with terms limits. Those exacerbate the problem, but the fundamental problem with copyright and IP law is that it is a system of artificial scarcity where there is no need for one.

Rather than reward creators when their information is used, we hamfistedly try and prevent others from using that information so that people have to pay them to use it sometimes.

Capitalism is flat out the wrong system for distributing digital information, because as soon as information is digitized it is effectively infinitely abundant which sends its value to $0.

Quite frankly, go outside and have someone slap you in the face and wake you the fuck up.

It's not remotely close. Biden still has an actual solid policy agenda, Trump is a senile and decrepit badger, shitting himself and scratching at everything he sees.

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You realize that half of Lemmy is tying themselves in inconsistent logical knots trying to escape the reverse conundrum?

Copying isn't stealing and never was. Our IP system that artificially restricts information has never made sense in the digital age, and yet now everyone is on here cheering copyright on.

No. It's only illegal if you republish what you scrape. Absolutely nothing prevents any company from scraping the web and using that information internally.

Man this is fucking asinine. No one hates you. Certainly not the actual researchers and engineers building these products.

Capitalism fucks over everyone who's not immediately useful. AI is just modelling algorithms after neurons and discovering that that lets us solve a whole new class of fuzzy pattern matching problems.

The two of them together promises to fuck us over even more because that was one of the main things that we used to be better than computers at, but the solution is not remove the new technology from the equation, it's to remove the old and broken system of resource allocation that has and continues to fuck us no matter what.

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Lmao, barely have a conversation? Trump literally can't even remember what he did or said yesterday, and has literally no plan for actually improving the country in any way shape or form.

Biden passed the Inflation Reduction Act which actually presents a vision for how to return manufacturing to America and restart it's economy, while addressing climate change. Trump has no plan to address literally any of that.

You need to wake up man. They are not even in the same ballpark.

No, this is just cynical and mean-spirited.

It was an individual developer talking on the podcast about what he wants the game to be, there's no reason to think he doesn't feel exactly the same way you do.

If you're going to be cynical, be cynical about whether or not that messaging would make it through the layers of corporate beurocracy until it's published, not whether the individual wants to do something meaningful, most do.

No, it's not a hard decision.

You're choosing between two old men, one of whom is an actual politician with a history of accomplishing things and running a country. The other is a mean old pervert who couldn't run a business without committing fraud. He literally tried to cheat and destroy the system when he lost the first time.

How the fuck do you think it's close?

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In that I can take a picture of them and you wouldn't notice or be impacted by it?

This is naiive accelerationist nonsense.

You do not fix systems by ignoring them and letting badgers tear them apart for years in your absence.

The vast majority of the time, actual change comes from people engaging with the system and slowly pushing it in the right direction.

Imagine if they pitch it as Cyberpunk 2, complete with huge tech trees and stuff, so you start homeless thinking that you'll grind your way up to a body modded god like the first one, but the actual realities and difficulties of being homeless mean that it's impossible to ever crawl your way out, and at the end you realize that the only win condition you can hope for isn't progression, but just survival. Now there would be a bleak artistic statement on capitalism, that would be hated by every player and make none of its money back.

Yeah, I'm mid way through my first play through and the lack of birds and animals just feels lazy / a tech limitation covered up by lazy writing, not a real thing to care about that corpos did.

Otherwise the corpos in the story so far don't seem that crazy bad or evil. Most of the time they enter the story it's just you stealing something from them and then trying to get it back.

Honestly, GTA V had far more pointed social / political commentary thus far, even if this is a much better overall story.

Really excited. Obsidian is one of the best studios around.

Even Grounded, a silly, b-team, honey-I-shrunk-the-kids game, had a surprisingly well written and compelling story that had me tear up at one point.

But you don't have to do those. I basically only ever do them by accident.

The most important traits for doing well at work (in this order):

  • clear, effective, and efficient communication
  • taking ownership of problems
  • having your boss and team members like you on a personal level
  • competence at your tasks
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If it's shockingly easy to produce then just do it and then you can write a declarative headline that doesn't need to use the word "could". If you can't then I'm guessing it's not that shockingly easy.

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What a fucking joke.

A 1 year prison sentence for an attempted terrorist attack? WTF IS WRONG WITH LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THIS STORY? How is everyone talking about this like the guy made a racist joke, and should be forgiven just cause he's old, and not like he literally just tried to murder 6 people because of their race?

Jesus Christ.

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Honest to god, EU regulators feel like the last bastion of sanity left.

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PSA: Once this rolls out into the actual downloadable Windows builds, everyone should be able to do this by reinstalling Windows.

European Economic Area PCs

As noted above, some functionality is only available in the EEA. Windows uses the region chosen by the customer during device setup to identify if the PC is in the EEA. Once chosen in device setup, the region used for DMA compliance can only be changed by resetting the PC.

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I feel like Sony did a Sony here.

I'm old enough to remember when Sony shipped 22 million malware infested CDs because they were worried about Napster.

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I don't know why people are clowning this, pay 10M for one military grade truck or pay 10m for 200 civilian grade trucks that can have inherent camouflage...

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to create 'smoke-free' generation

Of course, not counting the smoke, ash, and other toxic oxidized chemicals that will be kicked up by gas and diesel vehicles with his scrapping the HS2 Manchester line. What a fucking idiot. "Oh no, we brexited ourselves so hard that we're poor now and can't afford to build infrastructure that would stand to enrich multiple cities for hundreds of years!"

Such classic smooth brained thatcherite conservatives. It's mind numbing that people keep voting for them.

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It's a stupid article that didn't deserve reposting.

Zelensky is obviously going to take Israel's side, since Israel might actually provide Ukraine with weapons, aid, or intelligence, whereas Hamas will provide Ukraine with nothing and is aligned with Iran who are actively supplying Russia with the drones that are murdering them.

But yeah, from an analagous standpoint, Israel would be Russia who has illegally occupied the land of Palestine, and this is roughly the equivalent of Ukraine striking back at Russia in Russia's territory, though there certainly seem like far far more civilian casualties than in any of Ukraine's operations, at the same time Palestinians are also far more desperate and have face decades and decades of oppression, conditions likely to foster extremism.

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Nuclear fusion can't Chernobyl, even if it were to fuck with the machine and cause it to break, the instant it broke the reaction would stop because it's not self sustaining without a massive magnetic containment field.

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Because we all do, because someone is finally trying to do something about Apple's decades long walled garden anti-competitive bullshit.

What, are you upset that your favourite trillion dollar mega corp feels picked on?

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And yet, Linux desktop users insist that it's a viable consumer OS instead of accepting that they're using an industrial OS not well suited for the average desktop user.

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No, they literally failed or never took Intro To Engineering Safety / Ethics.

It is flat out irresponsible to sell a board with a fine line between normal operation and critical failure with an anemic, easy to miss warning system, that straight up cannot kick in in some failure situations or will exacerbate the problem.

They were irresponsible morons for not including an audible alarm initially, and they were wreckless and greedy assholes for having the capability of haptic feedback but never enabling it.

As someone who has to read multiple engineering safety textbooks, this is literal textbook bad engineering and there's a reason the CPSC isn't going after EUC makers who included alarms on every single model.

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Its fundamentally weirder and more problematic to build your news feed around people rather than topics.

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Biden appointed a bunch of pretty vehemently anti-monopoly people to power, this is just how long it actually takes them to conduct an investigation thorough enough to bring suit.

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Another former OpenAI employee agreed, saying people working at the San Francisco-based startup "look down on what they consider legacy companies" and "see themselves as innovators who are radically changing the world."

I despise Microsoft's advertising and some of its anti-competitive practices, but man, fuck these out of touch, clout chasing, dorks. Microsoft has been making products for 30 years that are stable enough for most of the world's companies to build successful businesses on top of.

There are flat out no SV companies that can claim the same longevity, and only one or two, like Google / Salesforce, that actually enable the rest of the economy in any meaningful way.

SV is a beautiful place and the money that flows into it makes it seem like paradise, but it also deludes everyone there into thinking that they're vastly smarter and more important than they actually are.

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