Biden team circulates poll showing no change in race after bad debate to politics – 59 points –

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Lmao bruh.

You're a weird mixture of disillusioned and naiive if you think that the narcissist, sexual abuser, traitor, convicted career criminal trying to squat in the seat of power that controls one of the most lethal nuclear arsenal's supporters were going to be swung by rational debate over ideas.

no one is trying to swing them - they are completely lost to rationality. mobilization is the goal and, I can tell you, there is zero fire out there to mobilize an anti-trump turnout.

many may vote for the genocide enabler over the actual clown-fascist, but we are fucked as a country when, in the face of blatant authoritarianism, the best we can put up is biden. un-fucking-real.

If only every American was well educated they might see...