Elias Griffin

@Elias Griffin@lemmy.world
8 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Desert Nomad, First Responder, Reverend, Intelligence Analyst, Computer Expert, Cowboy, Sorcerer, Metaphysician, Polymath.

Quote from the subtitle of the article

and you can’t stop it.

Don't ever let life-deprived, perspective-bubble wearing, uncompassiontate, power hungry manipulators, "News" people, tell you what you can and cannot do. Doesn't even pass the smell test.

My advice, if a Media Outlet tries to Groom you to think that nothing you do matters, don't ever read it again.

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Also, it's the language scam of the decade to have a [privacy] agreement or terms with a "third party" which is basically anonymous/anyone/indeterminate/changing/.

Canva is on the traditional corp Extend, Embrace, Extinguish mission to snuff Digital Content Design that is local only and has no AI. Canva bought Affinity Design Suite, which was the reaction of the non-corp creative world to not have to Adobe Creative Cloud, may it burn.

I believe we are in the era of "the great rug pull" of consumer empowered technology, moving to corp empowered technology stack, with them in control at all levels.

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Best breadcrumb from article:

I wanted to understand: what kind of human spends their days exploiting our dumbest impulses for traffic and profit? Who the hell are these [SEO/Google] people making money off of everyone else’s misery?

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"Ng said the idea that AI could wipe out humanity could lead to policy proposals that require licensing of AI"

Otherwise stated: Pay us to overregulate and we'll protect you from extinction. A Mafia perspective.

I recently invented a "People First" Cybersecurity Vulnerability Scoring method and I called it CITE, Civilian Internet Threat Evaluation with many benefits over CVSS. In it, I prioritize "exploit chains" as the primary threat going forward. Low and behold, this new exploit, although iOS, possibly one of the most sophisticated attacks ever using one of the longest exploit chains ever! Proof positive!

Depending on how you define it; I define the Kaspersky diagram has 8 steps. In my system, I define steps that advance the exploit discretely as stages, so I would evaluated Triangulation to be a 4 stage exploit chain. I should tally this attack to see how it scores and make a CITE-REP(ort).

You can read about it if interested. An intersting modeling problem for me was does stages always equate to complexity? Number of exploits in the chain make it easier or harder to intrusion detect given that it was designed as a chain, maybe to prevent just that? How are stages, complexity, chains and remediation evaluted inversely?


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Yes, I'm serious about my mission statement in the beginning and I have some more ideas. First there is a Linux OS that installs all kinds of Educational Software, like Encyclopedia, Maps, Learning Tools that is all available offline in the full 17GB Full Version. It's called Endless OS (no affilitions) and here is the excerpt.

Multi-language system, pre-loaded with apps in English including games, productivity software, reference materials like Cooking, Farming, Health, Travel, and educational materials like a robust Encyclopedia.

It would be great if all of us could have some of the civilization important databases on this BSD installation of yours. Please contribute a downloadable database file or file set you know of. I'll start.

Downloadable Wikipedia Database Encyclopedia Britannica All Volumes

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So proud of you NetBSD, this is why I sponsor you, slam dunk for the future. I'm working on a NetBSD hardening script and Rice as we speak, great OS with some fantastically valuable niche applications and I think, a new broad approach I'm cooking up, a University Edition. I did hardening for all the other BSD, I saved the best for last!

[EDIT 5/16/2024 15:04 GMT -7] NetBSD got Odin lang support yesterday. That totally seals the NetBSD deal for me if I can come up with something cool for my workstation with Odin.

If you would like to vote on whether, or by what year, AI will be in the Linux Kernel on Infosec.space:


If a person breaks into a Industrial Plant and steals $10000 worth of computer hardware and the software that was on it, they go to jail for a long time during which they are not allowed much if any "profits"/income. When a Corporation steals $100million, they pay the other company and gain even more money if they are in market dominate position.

This exchange of money from thief to victim however misses compensating the most aggrieved party, the marketplace > users > you. Really overall though, Civilization loses.

The problem with the Corporate Legal System is that once something like this is found to happen, morally, ethically, and to secure the future of Civlization, the thieving company should be shutdown in 6mos and all assets put up for auction.

Corporations have legal "personhood", but it seems to be just the best parts. Since this is well known to nVidia CEO Jensen Huang maybe he just said to himself, "It's just Business".

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OH, it was been a long time coming seeing this type of headline again, it's....glorius!

Microsoft is most years a #1 and sometimes a #2 Funder of: Rust, Python, and Linux. Are those destined for an E^3 "rug pull" too? Will it ever stop this kind of behavior, consistently conforming our behavior to itself with the money and industry position it leverages?

Don't forget in calculating that industry position that OpenAI is now able to contract to the DoD for offensive capability.

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I tried this in my Grasp account, a search engine that is pre-loaded with all the Hacker News blogs and other select technical website, and builds results in associated degrees of relations from there. It came up with 8 repos searching for:


Also I want to say, your scenario is troublesome that GitHub itself could not come up with a satisfactory answer. Strange.

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This gets a vote from me for "Best of the Internet 2024", brilliant pacing, super braced, and with precision bluntness. I'm going to pretend the Monero remark is not even there, that's how good it was.

Really odd some Lemmy choices, allowing News Aggregation Posts (Simple link and summary) from a particular user that is somehow not flagged a bot/influencer/paid. I duna know how you can post Tech News Links 10 times a day, every day, for 5 months and still be allowed to post as a "person".

When you find out you were only good because you drank the trillion dollar brand Kool-Aid.

Here is female founder's LinkedIn background image, web search result top 20, with that thing on.


Demographic is..I mean was?

Here is an awkward photo of both Founders: https://images.fastcompany.net/image/upload/w_596,c_limit,q_auto:best,f_auto/wp-cms/uploads/2020/09/i-Bethany-and-Imran.jpg

Google, destroyer of the human pysche.

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Is it ignorance, indemnity, or conspiracy that this News Media Corporation didn't give the primary mitigation?

A white noise generator.

I'm particulary looking for anyone that already has a collection of Arxiv and Sci-Hub papers. Please curate your collection and make it available here!

We also need a hashtag/topic/keyword for this project that is brief and catchy we can also use for a GitHub search, etc. Anyone?

Let's flip this on it's head for some additional perspective. What if there was a growing subset of computers that preferred not to communicate with their own kind. Does not respond to API requests, etc. but only to human emotional text input?

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So Mustafa steals from the entire world and justifies it by pointing to an abstraction that cannot be proven. It's already complete as they can admit it now and throw Billions at corrupt judges over a decade which will be too late.

These tech-god pyschopaths hate us.

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Bringing the big brain out on me! This is off the cuff.

  1. I was not aware of Universal Design principles but a quick look suggests Principle 5: Tolerance for Error is most applicable to Software Engineering. Why not 1-5 bedrock? Because, in my opinion the general state of software is that it is more functional yet just as unreliable in decades past. What is the first thing a little experienced user to do when an error occurs? Yeah, they quit. No access. The micro-service paradigm has made the situation emminently worse as even finding the blame/responsibility for "no access" is fruitless.

2a. With anything of this type, the most obvious risk is to my own reputation. Security is a field burdened with responsiblity, people come to rely on it, what if they get hacked using my repo? I only took on things I spent months understanding and testing absolutely everything by hand. I limited myself to only distributions I could juggle, use daily, so I could be responsive to needs.

2b. Risk is competing objectives. FreeBSD and thus it's reliants, Ghost and Dragonfly, are in a strange position right now. FreeBSD is Linuxifying itself and adding more Corporates Sponsorships than ever in a path away from traditional BSD security. This presents itself a potentially competiing ethos situation for me, but not yet.

2c. OpenBSD is used by world security intelligence agencies and I hear the DoJ. Am I without my knowledge picking sides here and favoring some entities over others? Famously DARPA and FBI backdoor right? I researched the OpenBSD Sponsorship list carefully and asked around. The OpenBSD availability (at least of the version we use!) is equitable and I purposely put out an OpenBSD honeypot to see which entities would try to compromise it! Results: Fair.

  1. This is a can of worms because what we are really talking about is the Linux-Effect. Started out community home-grown to now be a Corporate Globally Mega-Corp sponsorship vehicle estimated to be worth $100 Billion. Even Apple is now a Silver Linux sponsor. What am I saying is Corporate dominance is think-tanking and policy making. Data selection is inherently profit focused instead of Humanity Progression focused. Bodies like the UN, EFF, et al. are wholly ineffective.

The paths forward on that are gruesome to be honest as what would be best would be something like a randomly selected group of High School Science Fair finalists and Waitresses to form a Governance body with teeth to dissolve Corporations completely for profiteering off populace private data, genetic data, financial data, and the engineering decisions that are ubiqutously driven by them when determined that a Corporation or other Government body is acting against out future.

Mozilla Foundation fronts Mozilla Corporation which is for-profit and brings in nearly a Billion in revenue.

Don't donate, do harden it.

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Skill is certainly one evaluation parameter and Fin7, JokerStash, Carbanak fit that bill but that is not their MO. Target, motive, opportunity -> Embassy Employees/Diplomats -> Nation-State or Intergovernmental Group (like 5/9/14 eyes) as eval combined with skill rating, @95% confidence.

Ah, much better. MITRE CWSS + CWARF is comprehensive, yet insular and as is MITRE, Military/NATSEC Focused. I do not see any flaws in my reasoning, but words as communication. I do concede that maybe my saying an alternative to CVSS is not really the best wording as I see such things in very broad terms, but I get the perspective now. As in, the common singular, Gov/Corp system does not fit, I need an alternative model that does. In contrast to I need another exactly scoped system that does it differently alternative.

To evidence this I can point to that fact that I even advocated that CVSS-BTE v4.0 should be NVD baseline, but I didn't make this very clear that I'm expanding the CVSS as an alternative use, different in applicability, essential in nature, and somewhat built upon CVSS and OWASP with a different, very important objective.

Not replacment which I never intended.. I'll change the article to reflect those views, well done.

I want to confirm this. Hacker News is nothing like it used to be and is approaching the cliff of "group think" narrator, the opposite of Entrepreneurship.

I was thinking the exact same thing, thanks for the awareness! Tangentially, problem with Wiki is it's excellent for Who, What, Where, but is nearly totally bereft of how to do anything.

The Internet can be a really mean place, thank you for the kind words.

Superb for including the Engineering Code of Ethics which I didn't know exsisted! In my decades of working on every part of Computer Systems, Information Systems, unfortunately, I personally think if you work for Big Tech, you cannot abide those Code of Ethics. From the website>

Fundamental Canons

Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:

  1. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
  2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
  3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
  4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
  5. Avoid deceptive acts.
  6. Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.

How many Google Code Monkeys violate 1 or more of those on the daily? For instance in Canon 1, it does not say profit is paramount, but that public welfare is paramount. In fact, you could argue that is a competing objective working for Big Tech and following ethics.

Mozilla Foundation fronts Mozilla Corporation which is for-profit and brings in nearly a Billion in revenue.

Don't donate, do harden it.

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Fantastic. Much appreciate the awareness of Hyperscript.org and Tachyons.io as well.

Maybe, postulating, as I consider myself an Engineer and not a Developer.

Tangentially related: https://comeriohomes.com/the-difference-between-a-developer-and-a-home-builder-2/

Brainstorm thoughts dated just now

I guess it's in the conveyance of the word? Engineer seems like fitting a puzzle piece. Creating Software in a vast eco-system of language, OS, Frameworks, Platforms, Networks, and views it's progression in time. For instance planned obsolescence, graceful failure in the "pipeline of things", tolerates network topology changes, etc.

Maybe Engineers build with well designed, graphed/drawn, and planned strategy of the components in interaction with all other systems, including OS failings, local Network failing, Internet failing, Management Failings (workplace), on and on. The more things you can account for the more brilliant an Engineer you are.

Software Developer seems more linear. You take an idea and start with a good program. Then it's built up and up until it becomes a great piece of Software.

Sure, feel free. I'm getting quite good at helping College students make the right decisions.

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Masterful wordsmithing, I must find a place for this quote in my future writing. I'll save and credit.

Best comment on Lemmy that I've seen in months. Epic.


  • "Please enter your public confidence score"
  • ..
  • "Score not accepted, sending code to last lawsuit device"
  • ..
  • "Your corporate charter cannot be found. This is an isolated, ‘one-of-a-kind occurrence’ that has never before occurred. Please try making another Business."

Thanks for all the comments affirming my hard working planned 6 month AI honeypot endeavouring to be a threat to anything that even remotely has the possibility of becoming anti-human. It was in my capability and interest to do, so I did it. This phase may pass and we won't have to worry, but we aren't there yet, I believe.

I did some more digging in Perplexity on niche security but this is tangential and speculative un-like my previous evidenced analysis, but I do think I'm on to something and maybe others can help me crack it.

I wrote this nice article https://www.quadhelion.engineering/articles/freebsd-synfin.html about FreeBSD syscontrols tunables, dropping SYN FIN and it's performance impact on webhosting and security, so I searched for that. There are many conf files out there containing this directive and performance in aggregate but I couldn't find any specific data on a controlled test of just that tunable, so I tested it months ago.

Searched for it Perplexity:

  • It gave me a contradictorily worded and badly explained answer with the correct conclusion as from two different people
  • None of the sources it claimed said anything* about it's performance trade-off
  • The answers change daily
  • One answer one day gave an identical fork of a gist with the authors name in comments in the second line. I went on GitHub and notified the original author. https://gist.github.com/clemensg/8828061?permalink_comment_id=5090233#gistcomment-5090233 Then I went to go back and take a screenshot I would say, maybe 5-10 minutes later and I could not recreate that gist as a source anymore. I figured it would be consistent so I didn't need to take a screenshot right then!

The forked gist was: https://gist.github.com/gspu/ac748b77fa3c001ef3791478815f7b6a

[Contradiction over time] The impact was none, negligible, trivial, improve

[Errors] Corrected after yesterday, and in following with my comments on the web that it actually improves performance as in my months old article

  1. It is not minimal -> trivial, it's a huge decision that has definite and measurable impact on todays web stacks. This is an obvious duh moment once you realize you are changing the TCP stacks and that is hardly ever negligible, certainly never none.
  2. drop_synfin is mainly mitigating fingerprinting, not DOS/DDoS, that's a SYN flood it's meaning, but I also tested this in my article!

Anyone feel like an experiment here in this thread and ask ChatGPT the same question for me/us?

Looks like things at Grasp have changed dramatically and it's offline with a promise to open source the code? Did you try a symbol search while logged in, and selecting "code" or "packages" in the results filter?


I have something fantastic for you and any techies reading this that have not seen "The Mother of All Demos". It is like a Stanley Kubrick Movie on the Invention of Computers! Like the Moon landing footage of Silicon Valley. You are in for a real treat! After that I would recommend for any students thinking CSC in High School and definitely University to read Charles Petzold's, "Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software, 2nd Edition.



I've seen this time and time again and it breaks my heart. In a Tron way, I wish all users could ingest this and then make reforms to the Industry. Profit at all costs makes users poor.

Very intersting! I'm not so sure about the oathiness of:

  1. I will make frequent, small, releases so that I do not impede the progress of others.
  2. I will do all that I can to keep the productivity of myself, and others, as high as possible. I will do nothing that decreases that productivity.

But I think the real oath impact there is:

  1. I will continuously ensure that others can cover for me, and that I can cover for them.

In Government work that, ^, is considered career ending.

I will improve upon this, thanks for the awareness.

If you'd like real knowledge, insights, and explanations of the Spy game, one of the best ever imo and so little have seen it, an NSA Signals Intelligence Analyst gave a talk at a conference about the German v Russian Spying during the Cold War from his experience.

That NSA Analysist is named Bill Scannell because, well, it's a circus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x_yL12dJjI