What will happen to all the USA TikTok creators once the ban on TikTok takes effect?

A Cool Dude@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 120 points –

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Probably move on to YouTube Shorts or Instagram reels. I don't have Instagram but the YT Shorts are basically just TikTok crossposts anyway.

Ideally Pixelfed would win but that's very hopeful, a lot of the creators are expecting to be paid.

There's too much money to be made with the format for it to die yet.

YT Shorts are basically just TikTok crossposts anyway

Hey that's not true! Some of them a small clips from longer main videos.

And in a fucked up vertical crop, for some reason!

Probably move on to YouTube Shorts or Instagram reels.

Likely YouTube. While neither are great, between Google and Meta, Google's got the better reputation. YouTube also has a larger audience, because it includes a ton of users who wouldn't fall under traditional social media usage. Reels might be used as a periphery platform to drive more people to their main channel on YouTube.

Any TikTok creator who moves to Instagram full-time is either shooting themselves in the foot, or got a good contract from Meta.

I do like the YouTube integration. A good chunk of them have a link to a main long form video which is nice when you don't want to watch a video in 50 parts. You can scroll and be like, that's a cool project let me watch the full 30 mins video.

Are YouTube shorts still 1 minute maximum? Until that changes, I don't think they'll be a viable replacement since content longer than a minute seems to be the sweet spot for a sizeable amount of Tiktok's user base. Especially when it comes to informative or political content.