Tech request: Meta data of location temperature in photos to – 17 points –

I would like to be able to know and have embeded the temperature of a location when a photo was made. AI could also research past time and temperature data to add this information to historic photographs that already have time and GPS location embedded. Thank you.


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I just disagree. Temperatures of historic photographs of scenes could be tracked. People aren’t thinking outside of the box. Battle scenes that say it was 98°F or 12°F could add to the interest of understanding a hardship or strategy at that time. Sports photographs of football games played in subfreezing temperatures could add to the historic interest of a famous game that was photographed and played at 2°F. A photo with this data would be a more complete “picture” of the time. I can think of many more examples. Don’t worry if you don’t see it now, but it will happen if you like it or not. Cheers.

If the camera has an accurate thermometer on board, would be helpful to embed the value in EXIF.

If there is no thermometer, should embed only the time and location. If someone really needs temperature, it should be determined from external weather DB, not embedded in the photo.

If temperature was available through connectivity (satellite) on the device, it would record it upon making the image. GPS already being used. Weather radar apps use this now to give you data for any location (just about). It would just be recorded.

Embed only true facts, not best guess derivations from external sources.