Tech request: Meta data of location temperature in photos to – 17 points –

I would like to be able to know and have embeded the temperature of a location when a photo was made. AI could also research past time and temperature data to add this information to historic photographs that already have time and GPS location embedded. Thank you.


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You are correct. That is why I think it could be developed. Of course, looking at my downvoted comments on this thread, most people don’t see the world beyond 2D and the world is still flat! I would definitely have interest in this information, although others I am sure would not.

Downvotes are by people who hate ai being shoved everywhere.

You can get weather data with a camera with the right tools, you could have a database in a "thing" (probably in the cloud) to query historic data once device is connected to the "thing". AI is not the answer people think it is

Edit: double posts by Boost

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