Can you have local reverse proxies? to – 45 points –

Perhaps this is a weird question I have, but I've been watching some technotim videos lately and he seems to have local dns addresses for local services. Perhaps I've got this wrong, but if not: how would you go over doing this?

I have a pterodactyl dashboard, which I access locally using the machines IP and the port, but it would be great to have a domain, which isn't accessible from other networks, but does work on my own network. I also still want some services exposed to the internet, so I'm not sure if this would work.


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Generally speaking, a subdomain like will work out much better than a subpath like

Very few web apps can deal well (or at all) with being used under a subpath.

Using reverse proxies is common enough now that quite a few apps can deal with subpaths, and for the ones that can't you can generally get nginx to rewrite the paths for you to make things work.