How to get good at FPS with a controller, coming from a PC gamer? to – 33 points –

I have been a PC gamer for the majority of my life. But before that, i was a console player on the NES. But NES mainly had platformers, and no 3d games. So i am not used to movement and camera controls simultaneously at all.

I have purchased a Steam Deck OLED and it's phenomenal at playing platformers and twin stick top down games. However, i am absolutely sucking at FPS games on it. Can't make shots on the controller which are like muscle memory on my PC. I'm also having a slightly hard time on 3rd person over the shoulder games (not as bad as FPS though). It's probably because of my age (30+) I guess.

My question is that is there a way to improve other than 'git gud'? Example, is there an easy FPS game where I don't have to move or shoot too fast? Or a sample controller exercise game, like we have AimLabs for mouse movement.



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L2P n00b! /J

In seriousness though, I find the trackpads to be very useful for precision. Unfortunately, you have to build up the skill, like anything else. Work at it over time and you should get there. For practice, really depends on what you want to play. I'd suggest something that has a good system for criticals/headshots. Looks like Aim Lab might work on the deck, so maybe try that?

L2P n00b! /J


I am currently playing Stray which doesn't require fast movement. It's slightly helping me ease into 3D movements.

Good call. You might try games like Tomb Raider or the first Prince of Persia reboot for movement accuracy.

ETA: Just to be absolutely clear, the "/J" was "jerk" like the old "circlejerk" subs, not serious. You probably know that but I'd rather be sure and not assume as I don't think being dicks to eachother makes the world a better place.

If you really rely on faster movement than what gyro+classic joystick provides: try gyro+flickstick.

Flickstick does require some game specific tweaking. But it's the only controller input method my "30 years of playing fps on PC"-riddled brain accepts.