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Joined 1 years ago
  • Single player (desktop): After finishing Red Faction Guerrilla, and trying Red Faction Armageddon but not really liking it, I settled on Just Cause 2 (again). Still as much fun as in 2013, when I last played it.
  • Single player (Deck): more Deep Rock Galactic:Survivor.
  • Co-op (desktop): Deep Rock Galactic, if my co-op buddies don't bail, that is.

thank mr skeltal

jdupes is my go-to solution for file deduplication. It should be able to remove duplicate files. I don't know how much control it gives you over which duplicate to remove though.

There's a committee that meets every 3 months and takes in suggestions from the public.

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SCART might make a comeback!

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is there an article somewhere I can read?

Did you have a specific subject in mind?

I did find this article.

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Also: THIS SITE IS BETTER IN THE APP! Every time you open the site.

If I wanted to use the app, I'd have it installed by now.

You'll want to look into a category of programs called dotfiles managers. There's a bunch of them. Most of them are based on some kind of version control system, usually git.

I personally use yadm

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Wth? This looked dated in the '90s.

Can we please not accuse everybody of being AI

Suspicious. /s


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  • Falling Skies. A science fiction series executive produced by Steven Spielberg about a ragtag group of survivors after an alien invasion.
  • The Strain. Sci-fi/horror show created by Guillermo del Toro. About vampires; think modern retelling of Dracula. And nukes are involved at some point.
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Don't you mean AI jeanerated?

So basically incremental/idle games with some light strategy or base building mechanics?

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  • A Bluetooth audio DAC/amp. Connects to my phone. And I can use whatever wired set of earphones I want. Light gardening: earbuds. In public transport: over/on ears. And if the DAC dies, I get to keep my earphones and just replace the DAC.
  • My Steam Deck


There's a site that gives you an album a day to listen to and review from the book '1000 albums to listen to before you die'.

I just found this one, in case anyone is interested.

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Was it a nightcall?

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I went the other way and configured Liftoff to not show scores anywhere. And to be honest my experience is all the better for it.

I think the only TK-based tools I have ever uses are gitk and git gui. And even those I have mostly replaced with tig and lazygit

Net loss of …..?

insufficient data for any meaningful answer

You're quoting percentages. It all depends on exact sales figures and profits.

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Have you tried email sub-addressing/+-addressing?

I started Red Faction Guerrilla (Steam Edition) a couple of weeks ago. Solid game from 2009. Though the game world does feel a bit empty.

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Tripple Choco Cookie.

As a software developer I'm fine with this point of view.

There's a miniseries as well. The Act (2019).

That's some Everything is Terrible level awkwardness right here.

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I get it. Thanks to Kyle Hill

A healthy mix of:

  • Borderlands 1. Still getting used to playing fps on a controller. But flickstick+gyro sure helps.
  • Brotato
  • 20 Minutes Till Dawn

ETA: also, I should put some more time in Tunic.

mpv is very barebones. Which is why I love it. You're supposed to configure it through its configuration file, and mainly use it with keyboard shortcuts.

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Off the top of my head:

Or maybe try on r/incremental_games on the other website.

Incomplete, and in no particular order:

Like, the movie?

How do Black Orb and Glow Cloud's opinion on foreign policy compare?

I'm still on the fence.

Yeah I can vouch for Inoreader as well.

I have used Feedly before. But that was years ago. Feeder might be another service to consider.

All of these services should have (either first or third party) apps for Android and iOS.

I love Halls of Torment. It's been my go-to the past couple of weeks.

If you like those I can also recommend:

  • Brotato
  • 20 Minutes Till Dawn

Dolphins dressed in monocles, with tiny top hats that cover up their blow holes.

Aw sh#t!

ZRAM/ZSWAP is a thing on Linux at least. But that doesn't compress actively used RAM. That's just compressed swap space in memory.