Is there any type of garbage you keep around in case it might be useful, like some kind of crafting material? to Ask – 149 points –

For example, I saved a bunch of these small cardboard sheets that were separating the rows of cans in a box of cat food.

Add some glue and you have a little tent for your cat.


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SCART might make a comeback!

Also, what if I really need an extra 512MB of DDR2 RAM for something. Im wrong every day but one.

Happened to me a few months ago with an old utility machine I have. I wasn’t as smart.

I used a few for my windows. Actual glass windows. They work as a stopper by wedging them in the track since they tend to slide on their own otherwise.

I saved literally every single RAM stick I've ever used (and more) minus two I gave to a friend. They're in a big ziplock bag tucked into the corner of a box of misc PCI cards.

I will almost definitely never have a reason to install RAM from the 90s...but they're there just in case...

Actually people use those for retro gaming, even in the US where scart wasn't a thing.

I own even more scart cables than old consoles (and all the consoles just use phono-scart adapters), that's OK right? Right!?