What's a quote that has stuck with you for your whole life?

zinklog@lemmy.fmhy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 609 points –

I always loved browsing such posts on reddit, so thought I should make one on lemmy too

Edit: Usually these kind of posts only used to have excerpts from books or ancient proverbs, but now I am seeing a lot more quotes from shows/movies/games are also resonating with people. It's pretty cool to see.


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Some people give me shit for it, but one that's actually gotten me through some struggles is "despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage." I have a tendency to push back against things that feel unfair/unjust and it often is more destructive and time-consuming than it's worth. Sometimes i need a reminder to just accept things the way they are.

The art of happiness boils down to this

Can I do something about this thing that upsets me?

*Yes? Then do it or make plans to reach a place where you're in power to do it *

No? Then do not spend your time being concerned over it.

Try to practice this when you find yourself the rat in a cage. I hope you can break that rusty cage, and run.

That sounds very similar to Desiderata.

Edit: whoops, I meant the Serenity Prayer. Desiderata is also very good though.

For those who don't know it: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.

I'm Atheist, but it's still helpful to me.