The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially to politics – 813 points –
The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially

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I heard a good argument that while these justices are appointed for life to be judges, it doesn’t specify which branch. Reappointment them to a lower court and appoint new justices. They voted for this let them reap the consequences. Outline enforceable ethics standards.

The rules of the Senate, as undermined by McConnell and inexplicably tolerated by Schumer ensure it won't happen.

That co-equal branches thing was nice while we had it.

Just dismiss the senators as official business. What still stands in the way of a total power grab by a US president?

As long as it's official business and they keep it official by officially removing all obstacles, they are legally perfectly in the clear. IANAL obviously, but total power seems just a matter of being audacious enough to grab it.

The president can't dismiss them. That's adding executive power. They took away criminal liability. He'd need to kill/kidnap/imprison them. And who knows if they'd rule that as an official act. They didn't actually outline what counts and what doesn't. So maybe for Biden that wouldn't count and for Trump it would.

Move them to Florida or Alabama.

I think the more viable option is just packing the court but biden would have to get two Republicans to flip and all Democrats to agree. It's embarrassing he didn't do it when the Democrats had Senate in 2020