Linux back at 4.04% on the Desktop. Windows went below 73% to – 761 points –
Desktop Operating System Market Share Worldwide | Statcounter Global Stats

It peaked at 4.05% in March. The last 2 months it went just below 4% as the Unknown category increased. For June the reverse happened, so 4.04% seems to be the real current share of Linux on Desktop as desktop clients were read properly/werent spoofed.


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Source? Last I checked, the Steam Deck was very much in the minority even when narrowed down to just desktop Linux.

Source is the Steam hardware survey set to show Linux data only. He forgot to mention the statement is only true for Steam Gamers, not for all of Linux desktops outside of Steam.


I believe the Steam Deck would be a significant portion of the Linux desktops, but Steam's survey might be a biased source, still