LOL, I was just permantly banned from /r/metalmemes for referring to transphobes as "cunts".locked to – 338 points –

Doesn't seem very metal to me, being a long time metal head.


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I mean, have you seen how easy it is to get transphobes banned?

All they have to do is say trans people aren't the gender they say and it's an immediate ban. That's kind of egregious to me and not conducive to discussion.

Meanwhile you can call someone a 'stupid piece of a shit' and it's acceptable if they don't believe trans people are another gender.

Edit: Thank you for deleting the hateful and insulting comment calling someone a stupid piece of shit. I was wrong :)

if someone vomits racist garbage in a group, I'd expect them to be banned, or else it's not the kind of group I want to be in. same if someone is a homophobe, or any other kind of bigotry.

also lol at "discussion" human beings shouldn't have to "debate" people on their right to exist "explain how human rights will help my stock portfolio, check mate liberal"

I think you continue to exist regardless of what other people think.

It's when they put those thoughts into action that they should be stopped.

I feel like people are allowed to think what they want and say what they want. If I don't like it, I just block them and move on.

As a trans person, is there a point at which I no longer have to try to conduct discussion about my right to exist?

Who is stopping you from existing?

My state is trying real hard to. But I'm not sure why it's conducive to discussion to do what you suggest.

How are they trying to stop you from existing?

Legislating away my access to healthcare.

I feel like you should be able to get access to the medicine and procedures that you want to.

Is this legislation saying you can't?