LOL, I was just permantly banned from /r/metalmemes for referring to transphobes as "cunts".locked to – 338 points –

Doesn't seem very metal to me, being a long time metal head.


On behalf of the metal community, everyone is welcome. Fuck transphobia. Pick all your brothers, sisters, and non-binary family off the ground and lift them up.

I'm curious, how do you feel about the hateful side of metal? There's a lot, or was a lot, of neo-nazis in the 'metal' community back in the day.

I'm wondering how the community has evolved and if there is any kind of differentiation between the neo-nazis and everyone else.

Pretty sure the response is quite simply to tell them to fuck off, atleast in my experience. But im also into a rather niche metal sub community that you have to be careful in cause it has like two side, nazis and antifascists who want to hang nazis.

I got a 6 day ban from reddit for telling a mod in r/funny that it's not right to judge a person for posting a meme in a different sub. Which is what convinced me to make an account on Lemmy

I'm not saying it warranted a ban, but if someone is posting transphobic memes in another sub, they should be judged for that.

I got a 6 day ban for say Nazis should be punched. I'm sorry, but it was also in the context of when they ran over that girl with the car at the rally.

That subreddit sucks. They banned Sabaton for being “Nazis”. I don’t think they’ve ever listened to Sabaton.

That subreddit sucks.

Replying just to echo this sentiment.

what? like literally what?

Even in the "official" (i.e. in Scene-Relevant Magazines) scene in Germany they're regarded as fascist aligned, just because of their military theme. Yeah, idk man, idk...

The militaristic themes and what I feel is a glorification of war makes me uncomfortable. The use of historical glory from war is so common among fascists and nationalist. And no that doesn't mean that anyone who likes them are, my son for instance like them. But my own personal choice is not to listen to them even though I think that they play good music.

It's the same with Rammstein though (before the Scandal about Lindemann I mean) being regarded as catering to Nazis, because they sang crass texts in, well, German. Completely casting aside the subtle criticism of toxic masculine themes and fascist ideology. Even "Deutschland" was critisized as fascist, when it featured a black Germania and was an in your face criticism of Germany's constant identity crisis and the result being fascism and the holocaust. It's totally missing the point.

And Sabaton isn't taking a side when singing about war events, they sing about the super human feats, but sometimes also about distress, people experienced on the battlefield, about great tacticians and warriors in every age of every nation. That is what Power Metal is about 70% of the time. War. Heck.

we should really quit playing "who can spot more fascists" and making up excuses to call everyone a nazi/fascist

If Sabaton are Nazis, so is Churchill. Fucking hell, what are they smoking? Each others farts?

Churchill agreed with fascists on almost everything lmao. He was a eugenicist:

"I am convinced that the multiplication of the Feeble-Minded, which is proceeding now at an artificial rate, unchecked by any of the old restraints of nature, and actually fostered by civilised conditions, is a terrible danger to the race." - Winston Churchill

He was a white supremacist that viewed much of the world as inferior races and wanted to uphold racial hierarchies:

"I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." - Winston Churchill

"I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes," - Winston Churchill

He was an anti-semite that victim-blamed jews for their own persecution, and a zionist because zionism was compatible with anti-semitism in the form of kicking jews out of europe.

"For it may be that, unwittingly, they are inviting persecution — that they have been partly responsible for the antagonism from which they suffer." - Winston Churchill

and he told the Italian fascists he'd have supported them if he were Italian:

"If I had been an Italian I am sure that I should have been whole-heartedly with you from the start to finish in your triumphant struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism." - Winston Churchill

And called Mussolini:

"The description of Mussolini is [very] vivid. No doubt he is one of the most wonderful men of our time.’" - Winston Churchill

And in 1919 he sent 10,000 troops along with tanks into Glasgow to break striking workers.

...And you're on an instance called "aussie zone". Isn't cunt practically a term of endearment down there?

It can go either way. I mostly use it on inanimate objects that have injured me.

So, essentially, "cunt" can refer to anything, good or bad, in Australia.

Kinda like ass in USA

I've never heard ass refer to anything positive other than actual asses, anything else has a negative connotation.

He’s a bad ass. What a kick ass way to dance.

Ah yes, an aussie in their natural dialect that only their friends and family speak.

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I was banned from r/politics for "hate speech" for comparing Krysten Sinema to Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter. The totally arbitrary enforcement of the rules by authoritarian mods is a large part of the reason I made the migration to Lemmy after more than 14 years on Reddit. I was a refuge from the Digg migration, and am now a refuge from Reddit bullshit and proud of it!

A lot of mods thought they had a power downvote - the way reddit works where it hides your removed comment from everyone but you with zero notification (like a per-comment shadowban) is pretty annoying. I'd post in some subs and check with one of the comment deletion tools, and sure enough, that would explain why I'd get no replies or votes. Sure is annoying to take the time to express yourself and talk top people, and some twat of a mod arbitrarily or mendaciously decides your comment is not allowed and removes it.

Mine was for saying that I want Donald Trump to lose all his cases in the courts, and I can't be assed to care about whether he lives long enough to serve the sentences he receives, as that's not the point. This was in response to someone else saying taking him through the court system is pointless, because he won't live long enough to pay for those crimes.

They cited a rule against inviting violence and showing an aggressive apathy for human life, and gave me a permenant ban.

I can certainly see the backwards, twisted logic used to justify the argument, if you're willing to completely disregard the context and clearly defined goal of the statement. Even if your head is up your ass about the rule as written and see my statement as far more aggressive than I tried to portray it, you'd think a decent mod would respond to a polite appeal with "your comment is deleted, think about the way you word yourself in the future", and the ban being revoked. But I suspect there's something else going on there, so I decided it's really no loss anyway.

The censorship on /r/politics is insane.

After witnessing it firsthand, I can't go there anymore because of how secretly-curated it is.

I'm super glad lemmy has a public modlog so I can see everything for myself, even if it was taken down.

I was banned from there because I said Sinéad O'Connor's career was ironic.

I got a ban once for calling someone a good cunt in a supposedly Australian run sub because someone else got offended by it for some reason.

It is an actual term of endearment in Australia.

Metal memes is a shit tier sub anyway, you ain't missing nothing.

What are the alternatives? I'll happily subscribe. Reddit is dying a slow death, and I haven't found a new place to get metal suggestions or news

I mean if you want news and suggestions I don't think metal memes was the right sub in the first place. I haven't looked in a couple weeks but Lemmy's got some metal communities. Idk how active they are because I listen to power metal and there wansnt a power metal community when I looked. So I guess look for a general metal community (there's one on and from there communities more specific to your genre tastes. There's also a metal memes community on if you want the memes.

But, I don't understand. That's the scientific definition, how can they be angry about that?

Please ban me too, I agree that they're cunts.

Cunt seems to be one of their no no words over there. I’ve cursed up and down all over the place, but the moment I call someone a cunt I get banned from the sub I’m on.

It's a pretty fun word to yell. Kinda like fuck. Shit. removed (mods apparently won't let you say betch. Also TIL they can change what you wrote, as if that isn't censorship). Damn. Pretty much all of the one syllable curse words can be screamed at maximum volume, which I really enjoy

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The C word is for shouting at traffic, with your windows roiled up. It's not for using on public forums, or really anywhere else.
Grow up, op.

Lol. Don't come to Australia! We dole that shit out like Oprah! "You're a cunt, and you're a cunt, and you're a cunt. Everybody's a cunt!"

Australia also doesn't mean what the rest of the world means when using that word. :D

1- why are you still on Reddit? 2- I kind of agree with them. You can be metal without being an ass.

Imagine censoring curse words online...

A curse word toward an inanimate object or an animal I’m okay with. A curse word against a group, and a curse word related to said group I’m not okay with. That curse word may have one meaning in your social group, but this is an international community and we need to be acknowledging that certain things may be interpreted differently by others.

You aren't an ass because you aren't tolerant towards intolerant people.

One you can be an ass without being misogynistic, but you can’t be misogynistic without being an ass.

You're not fighting intolerance by using a misogynistic slur.

It's as "bad" as using "dick", which you wouldn't give two shits about. In fact, you yourself recently used "dicking around", which I guess should be, by your own logic, not okay. Right? After all it's about wasting time, so it has negative connotations, which you're applying to the male sex.

Also, he's from Australia. Stop bringing your stupid US crap into everything please.

The problem isn't that it's crude and refers to sex organs. The problem is that it's misogynistic. When someone says "cunt" or "pussy" or "bitch", they are saying "You are acting like a woman, and being a woman is bad."

I didn't say that the problem was that it is crude and you seem to completely missed the point, or act willfully obtuse so you can argue in bad faith.

"Crying like a bitch" does not refer to women at all, it refers to a female dog. The full phrase is "crying like a bitch in heat" and refers to the whining female dogs do when they're in heat.

Strange, I'm perfectly able to enjoy metal without resorting to misogynistic slurs, but maybe I'm the odd one out here.

That stigma is really only a US thing. British people say it left and right all the time

You're damn right. If I found out that any cunt around here has been using misogynistic slurs, I'm going to let them know what I think of them.

Stigma isn't even the word. You wouldn't say there's a stigma associated with using ethnic slurs, or homophobic slurs, so why should misogyny get a pass?

True, the only problematic thing about this is the exact slur they used. You can perfectly state that they are a-holes, dimwits etc. but some slurs are so minority focused I get why you shouldn't use them. And yet, a perma ban for that? Bit hard, bro.

I mean, have you seen how easy it is to get transphobes banned?

All they have to do is say trans people aren't the gender they say and it's an immediate ban. That's kind of egregious to me and not conducive to discussion.

Meanwhile you can call someone a 'stupid piece of a shit' and it's acceptable if they don't believe trans people are another gender.

Edit: Thank you for deleting the hateful and insulting comment calling someone a stupid piece of shit. I was wrong :)

if someone vomits racist garbage in a group, I'd expect them to be banned, or else it's not the kind of group I want to be in. same if someone is a homophobe, or any other kind of bigotry.

also lol at "discussion" human beings shouldn't have to "debate" people on their right to exist "explain how human rights will help my stock portfolio, check mate liberal"

I think you continue to exist regardless of what other people think.

It's when they put those thoughts into action that they should be stopped.

I feel like people are allowed to think what they want and say what they want. If I don't like it, I just block them and move on.

As a trans person, is there a point at which I no longer have to try to conduct discussion about my right to exist?

Who is stopping you from existing?

My state is trying real hard to. But I'm not sure why it's conducive to discussion to do what you suggest.

How are they trying to stop you from existing?

Legislating away my access to healthcare.

I feel like you should be able to get access to the medicine and procedures that you want to.

Is this legislation saying you can't?

Ive always thought of memes as 1 panel comic strips. Id assume that people that need their information cut up into toddler size pieces and spoonfed may have trouble tying their shoes. I avoid any meme related stuff for this reason. Seems the quality of discourse is similar to the quality of content.

Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?

It's somehow normal to call anyone a -phobe or an -ist for pretty much any reason, or just by an unrelated assumption. You can't be surprised if some people don't appreciate it.

I wasn't addressing an individual, see screenshot.

Why don't you edit the post to add the screenshot into the body of the post message? Your screenshot is lost in the comments and this makes no sense to me why you did this.

Don’t want to be called an -ist or a -phobe, maybe don’t act like one? I don’t get called either, but I don’t act like either.

You see how that works?

Lucky, but no that's not always how it works. I will not elaborate here further.

I have been found out in my ruse, so I will seek silence as a means to keep from further degradation of my argument. I will provide no examples, and take no questions. Good day.
