2 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago Experience how deep the ocean can go. May cause thalassophobia. Scale the universe if the moon were the size of a pixel. Fun word ladder game to test your vocabulary. For when you feel like things are just not going your way. Look at and learn about the stars.

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A self help / "how to be successful" book for my birthday from my parents. It wasn't even that good -- it had typos and grammatical errors all over. I was in my early-mid 20s. My dad made me read a chapter every week (and take notes) and then he'd go over it with me. Eventually he stopped forcing me to read it because I put up too much of a fight.

Nothing says "I love you" like being reminded your parents see you as a failure.

There's a reason I'm in therapy...

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I literally keep a list on my phone of what you say in your sleep. Some of my favorites include:

  • This is why I don't date senators. (Still don't know why)
  • It's soup day!
  • I swear that spearfish is a hooker.
  • Shut the fffffffffuck up. (Not directed at me)
  • Ham ham ham ham ham ham ham...
  • (Heavy sigh) I miss Zimbabwe. (Has never been to Zimbabwe)
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Mortuary Grill: where yesterday's grief is today's beef! Who can I serve you today?

My parents would preach something fierce about the dangers of even interacting with strangers online (even just having a generic "how are you" back and forth). In my 20s, I started playing Tibia and really enjoyed the fact that I could interact with people from around the world. I learned plenty of things that I simply didn't learn in school. When my folks learned I was talking to people I didn't know, they were appalled. I hate to think how they would have reacted to the knowledge that I shared my first name with some of those people (it's a veeeeery common name where I'm from).

Then my mom got a Twitter account. Then joined group DMs with like-minded people. Then she started giving out her first name, then her cell number. Then she shared our address. I'm still salty. Luckily nothing bad has ever come of it. The group seems like they're wonderful people and my mom is able to turn to them when she's not feeling the best and vice versa.

I've never understood this. What're they gonna do? Vote to make crimes legal?

Oh nos!

Offer potato


Any time I can't pet the dog.

No, it's a pocket for Kevin.

I forget to eat all the time due to hyper focusing. I'll hyperfocus on an activity as a way to avoid doing a chore, and then the chore never gets done. I'll start hyper focusing at 8pm and next time I look at the clock it's 3am. It absolutely has drawbacks. The best way to get out of it (for me, at least) is to set an alarm (if I can remember).


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How do we know YOU'RE not a chatbot?

I took an introduction to nursing class in high school where we had to know the names of all the bones, the chambers of the heart, CPR, etc. During one particular topic, one of the students kinda snapped and exclaimed "I'm too stupid for this!" The teacher, a badass ER nurse who was a single mom, rode a Harley, and had seen everything from electrocuted flesh to years-old bed sores, simply said "Good. That means you're learning."

I work with special needs kids, and whenever they complain about feeling stupid, I pass along that wisdom, but in a bit nicer way: "You're not stupid, you're just learning."

Run around an island with a bunch of talking, bipedal animals.

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Coffee break!


My aunt and uncle got married new years day of 2000. Very easy to remember.

I work with special needs students. This semester I'm 1 on 1 with one of the cutest Down Syndrome girls ever. Yesterday she just did NOT want to go to her culinary class. She just wanted to go home after being at school for only an hour. There was no budging her.

Today, not only did she go to culinary, but she had a blast taking part in the lesson. I had a blast watching her.

Now I'm laying in bed and my partner has fallen asleep spooning me. I'd say my day is going pretty well. Nice start to the weekend.

I think I stopped reading just before that chapter...

The FBI or CIA wanted me dead, so they hired Deadpool to take care of me. He thought he'd be too recognizable in his red suit, so he put on a disguise over his suit: a Deadpool t-shirt. Then he chased me through a massive warehouse doing some sick parkour stunts.

I'm unfamiliar with that quote

Is best season


I can have a profile pic?

I know a lot about the Lincoln assassination.

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I was about to comment something along the lines of "You add water and drink it, dumbass" but then I realized that it does not, in fact, say metamucil. I'm the dumbass.

We should give death row inmates a choice: capital punishment, or be used in place of animals for product testing.

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I was diagnosed with clinical depression around 2013, but definitely suffered from it as early as 2007. At first I was very embarrassed and ashamed of it, especially when I first started taking antidepressants. I didn't want to take medicine / be in therapy for the rest of my life. It didn't help that my parents were under the impression that I could eventually get over it -- saying things like "you don't want to be in therapy forever do you?" "You want to eventually not have to take antidepressants, right?" After a few years, I stopped trying to "cure" myself and began to accept that it's going to be a part of my life (and that's okay). Even my parents slowly started to realize that it will always be present. In fact, I started to become a little grateful for my depression, because I think it gives me a unique perspective on the world and life in general. I'm pretty open about my diagnosis now. I've had a few people tell me they're taken aback by how honest I am about my struggles. I tell them that, for me, living with depression is like being grass. Too much happy, yellow sunshine will make you dry, dead, and brown, and too much gloomy, blue rain will make you gray and root-rotted. You need a healthy balance of both to be lush and green (my favorite color).

I feel judged.

Their loss.

I think the first my sister and I played was A Link to the Past. We didn't know what we were doing, and we didn't know why the princess and the green guy had the same name... We really got into the series when we watched our dad play Ocarina of Time. Detailed graphics, 3D, a day-night cycle, horse back riding... That game had it ALL.


  • The Gettysburg Address.

  • Lincoln's assassination and the aftermath.

  • The trial of the conspirators. I'm fascinated with (and saddened by) the trial and execution of Mary Surratt.

  • Pretty much anything related to Lincoln and the Civil War.

The first woman to be executed by the US federal government was executed as a result of Lincoln's assassination. Her name was Mary Surratt and her youngest son, Johnny, was considered Booth's "right hand man".

HomesliceAbe approve of s20 origin story

While this one doesn't follow the no pronouns / articles rule, it's a work of art.

Can't open the article, but I agree, the punishment shouldn't exist -- except for those like the people I listed previously. I figure they might as well be put to some good use. People such as Carlos DeLuna and Cameron Todd Willingham should not be counted among the likes of Ted Bundy, and should not have been executed.