Without using pronouns (me, he, she, it, etc) or articles (a, an, the), how did you come up with your user name?

HomesliceAbe@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 214 points –

Essentially, I want us to sound like cavemen.

I'll start:

HomesliceAbe was playing Mario kart and HomesliceAbe's dad couldn't think of name of one of courses (HomesliceAbe thinks name was "Moonview Highway?). HomesliceAbe's dad called course "Homeslice Highway" and HomesliceAbe thought new name was hilarious. Also, HomesliceAbe is big fan of Abraham Lincoln.


am girl

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Signup for lemmy through memmy. Choose normal name. Invalid name. Choose normal name with number. Invalid name. Choose invalid name. OK.


Your username and server combo plus this comment.

I'm not looking at your account because there is no way you can live up to what just happened in my brain.

Girl pretty and strong. Girl cool and brave. Mash names together.

Who knows? But plan to find out

donuts good. donuts fun. donuts make happy. (donuts not healthy, maybe avoid.)

Because Lemmy instance namespace usernames, short username are actually available.

Looked at birth name. Took first letters. Added trademark - distinguishes from others because original. Became EccTM.

*shakes fist at random dubai toastmaster group on birdsite for using EccTM too*

"Very dark. Likely be eaten by grue."

Try to push code to remote repositories. Make typo. Command doesn't work. Get annoyed. Repeat gazillion times

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s20 took class in college. Class had anonymous essay final. s20 was assigned designation s20 for judging. s20 decides s stood for student, thought ha-ha funny.

s20 realizes story not that interesting. s20 ashamed name origin boring.

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Tathas read book. Book have Tathas. Tathas like Tathas. Tathas pick Tathas.

Quadrotiles had quadro playset when little. Quadro is like big pipes and tiles that people can build with. Quadrotiles used to make race cars and castles with brother who best friend and play in big garden. Best times. Quadrotiles now sad and miss brother. Live in different countries and 30 now.

U not name. U is sound.

Since person was learning Vietnamese, person noticed Vietnamese have one letter words. One word person liked was Ô, umbrella. Saying Ô reminded person of monkey making sound.

Person thought about simplest sounds monkeys make. U in person mother language sounds oo. U is simple, basic monkey sound. Oo-oo, aa-aa. Person being monkey, person thought U good name. Reminded person of person's past and person connection to nature. So person decided to be U.

U then thought of past people. Past people were simply known as person OF place person came. Examples: Leonardo DA (of) Vinci, René DES (of) Cartes. U is from Recife. Thus U de (of) Recife.

Read Bible, hate god, love giant ocean dragon and sulfur. Name already taken, add real name letter.

10y ago. Was hobby artist. Looked at personal gallery. Painted many fairies at time. Many fairy blue.

Friend created. Initials ("MJL") became word! Makes smile.

s_s s_s s_s s_s_s_s_s s_s_s, s_snake s_s s_s s_s_s_s ssssssss_ss-s

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Oldslewfoot name of song about big bear named Old slew foot. Good song, good name. Oldslewfoot not bear, but man in bear shape, stole name.

Squid likes squids. Squids possesses many squids. Squids likes squids so much squids decide to use squids as namesake. Squids also like single word username because squids thinks having single word for username is bragging rights. Squids is wrong.

Another person in friend group have same name, one short one tall, tall one get megamar short one get minimar

Italian prime minister used to write dragon themed fantasy fanfic / erotica. Draghetta was old prime minister nickname from when young. Draghetta like Draghetta nickname. Look up, true.

Skyline good car. 969 good number. Put together, good and good.

'mono' sounded cool, second part randomly generated. Kept clicking until saw good one

anti name anti-theft-device on old bad site. anti join Lemmy, small user base, anti name available, boom.

Shurf116 was 15. Shurf116 took character name from favorite book and added random number which Shurf116 liked. Shurf116 still has that name because why not. And because name always free.

Starlings are cute and pretty (although slightly obnoxious).

When creating reddit account got randomly generated username and couldn't change username. After 2.5 years using username got used and attached to username and when moving to lemmy decided to keep same username.

Old c64 reference also similar to real name

Guitar play rock music. Guitar have handle. Rockhandle!

Variation of Aogigahara, exit game forest in Japan. Inserted favorite color, red, which in japanese is aka

Dr_Cog has a PhD in Cognitive Psychology and studies cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's disease and dementia

love download shit for free from torrents instead of pay subscriptions, don't care what what landlubbers think about opinions and copyright 🏴‍☠️

When kid, play Doom much. Be critical inside, think low of own skills. Also love metal - love 666, love 13. Multiply 666 and 13, get 8658. Combine all - get noobdoomguy8658. Now happy, feel witty.

Made D&D character during 80s. Took Latin word Veritas and made sound like name. Kept using.

Skintt like Fatboy Slim. Fatboy Slim record label called Skint. Also Skintt have no money.

Sorrowl listen to song Sorrowl by band Suotana. Sorrowl like song and name of song.

Thelsim likes the sound of Thelsim’s own name, so Thelsim approves of this question :)
Thelsim is a unique enough name, if you see Thelsim somewhere else, there’s a good chance it is Thelsim.
Thelsim thought it up on the spot and kind of identifies with it now. It’s vague and genderless enough to apply to anyone and can still be remembered as a normal name. It’s become Thelsim’s online identity.
Caveman enough for not-Thelsim? :)

No. No good. Rednax count 14 violations of prompt. Rednax will improve story now:

Thelsim like sound of name of Thelsim, so Thelsim approves of question :) Thelsim is unique enough name, if not-Thelsim sees Thelsim somewhere else, there’s good chance Thelsim is Thelsim. Thelsim thought Thelsim up on spot and kind of identifies with Thelsim now. Thelsim’s vague and genderless enough to apply to anyone and can still be remembered as normal name. Thelsim's become online identity of Thelsim. Caveman enough for not-Thelsim? :)

Cadenza plats music. Cadenza also reads Thomas Mathiesen.

Easy to sound intellect anyway; Combination of actual name.

DonnieDarkmode’s name invokes famous movie (DonnieDarkmode has never watched Donnie Darko) as well as popular display setting that doesn’t sear eyeballs

Shieldtoad likes turtles. Turtle = schildpad = schild + pad = shield + toad = Shieldtoad

Randomly typed letters made Zloubida think of some famous (and ridiculous) French song, thus Zloubida thought fun to choose this word as user name.

Good horse. Good horse reads poorly. Games Bookstore becomes jaamesbaxterr

Looked at still pictures in books as kid. Favourite superhero Ironman. RDJ play Ironman. Like. Now name, but make dumb change.

Laserquest misunderstanding created this

Numbers after iamtrashman1312 name follow 1=A format. iamtrashman1312 dislike police, adopt certain phrase numerical parallel for name. Words just line from meme always make iamtrashman1312 laugh.

Speaks Esperanto, parents gave name, girl speaks Esperanto used diminutive

Wanted something that had no connection to previously used usernames, and also puns are fun.

Like rectangular candy and dispensers. Do almost anything for them many years ago. Now stuck with name.

Very old username from time long past. Like anime character wearing eyeglasses.

Jessica like new phrase, sound good. Jessica like name Jess, sound good. SayJess now born.

MishaMouse nickname is Misha, and Mouse is like mouse from Mickey Mouse.

Eat siewyuk. Love siewyuk. Cook siewyuk. Want eat more siewyuk. Siewyuk love. Siewyuk life. Siewyuk means roast pork belly here.

Friend was idiot. Try to tell friend. Only have calculator. Forgot talking was option. Didn't work.

Political side + first name first letter.

Wanted to be slightly edgy but also cute.

Been going by username on other sites/games for many years.

wage_slave is self explanatory. Look at monies. joke ha ha no monies. not even money. Confused unga bunga. Still back to work or punishment.

5th grade basketball coach wanted nickname for player, decided on the big ragu. Thebigragu was taken on aol messenger, so settled for theragu. 40 was jersey number.

Name is Brent, pals screwing around. Pal takes Mr. Krabs quote, "sponge boy bob", puts name in, "brent boy bob." Abbreviates to bbmb, "m" is pronoun.

Soup good. Soupspoon, phrase and object, friend shaped.

Dad made Xbox account. No change name. Said Fuck it. Keep name.

Fictional name of square Tetris block. Found humorous and sounded like good name.

IRC nicks were max'd at 8 characters and listed alphabetically. Given that dogs are no-go!, to choose name that made full use was simple.

Edit: See some fails in this thread.

Jao short for Jaoheah

Jaoheah, on Discord, Jaoheah coming up new nickname on discord server. Jaoheah take Jaoheah real first name, stretch out + make weird. Later, Jaoheah, Jaoheah username replace old username.

spaysi sound almost like spaysi real name, and was nickname when spaysi was little kid… sometimes was called spaysi as mean teasing name, but spaysi take the name and make it own so can’t be used as mean name calling anymore

Need character name. Smash keyboard. Consider smashed letters. Move letters, add vowels, make name.

Five year later games no like 10+ character names (monster hunter freedom, thanks psp) . Start using Coskii. LGS people use game name. Game name sticks. Now use everywhere.

What get called in professional environments.

my fursona is a rabbit and kuneho means rabbit in some languages

Chato part chatokun name. Kun mean chatokun weeb.

was watching vinesauce stream and streamer said AI generated word (recnamesque) souded good for username, rescnamesCAT made modification to word (added s before c, changed que->CAT).

Contraction of first name and last name put together.

Podcast character Taako named after tacos. Taako Tuesday references popular phrase plus podcast character

Nurufu like Assassination Classroom. Koro-sensei have funny laugh. Make good name

First used as discord username. Became internet username. Username reasoning should be obvious.

Smashed keyboard because no good free minecraft names

Is my favorite season 🎃

Thelsim loves autumn (Thelsim mean season, other autumn might also be nice)
Brown golden leaves, not too warm or cold, and rainy days as excuse for staying in.

Is best season

Depends. Autumn doesn't exist in city U was born. Sounds weird, U knows, but true. Tropical places only have 2 seasons, rainy and dry.

Cat is good animal. Serval is big cat. Serval is good big animal.
Serval is good username too.

Is final iteration of long chain of names. Starts with "Metaqione," a slightly off English phonetic spelling of Italian word for "jester," pronounced as if name were Spanish. Name often shortened to "Meta," which was cool, and then Meta used name as branding for all creations. Then, big corporation decides to change name. And then Meta was pissed, decided that "Metaqione" was too hard to pronounce correctly anyway, and therefore changed name.

"Metaqione" became "Mesaqoraz," a new iteration and chapter. New name had something related to universe and metaphysics, but then Mesaqoraz no remember now. Name "Mesaqoraz" was actually very short-lived, and was not attractive to Mesaqoraz because name was too complicated and hard to remember, which resulted in truncated name "Mesa," but "Mesa" was too common and is real word in many languages, and initials of Mesa's real name were promptly added to front, creating "Delmesa." Because Lemmy new and small, and programming.dev even smaller, "Mesa" was available, which is nickname for Delmesa.

Either programming or working on electronics projects or procrastinating on Matrix, Reddit, HN, or Lemmy. Being on Lemmy implies procrastinating on all those things, therefore "nothacking". (Seems to be internet unique too, but not sure due to abundance of people using #nothacking in hashtags)

itsmistermon is a fan of Jamiroquai, likes Mr Moon song, adopts it as nickname.

BeepStreet is fan of Squarepusher, likes Beep Street song. BeepStreet will listen to Mr Moon. itsmistermoon will listen to Beep Street?

itsmistermoon is listening to Beep Street right now, finds it pretty good

Rhymes are the ultimate form of comedy and dick jokes are funny no matter a person's age.

Was reddit username. No clue why. Was 21, am 32 now. Forget long time.

Apolinario Mabini great. Apolinario Mabini freedom thinker man. Very lemmy. Apolinario Mabini underrated. Goldfish brain connected Mabini and bussy. New name created.

High school theater tech friends made imaginary group extremely inspired by X-Men.

Switched World of Warcraft server. Someone have name. Add silent h. It stuck.

Hungryphrog was sitting on hungryphrog's chair. Hungryphrog decided to make Lemmy account before breakfast. Hungryphrog was hungry and likes frogs, so hungryphrog named Lemmy account "hungry" and "frog" spelled in funny way.

Between liking cats, favoring the colors purple and blue, and enjoying humor based on twisted logic, choosing "Cheshire Cat" as namesake seemed obvious.

Name is name. Bad idea. Good name. Easy choice.

Joining lemmy.world. Internet is world wide web. Become WorldWideLem.

Init is program computer start that start computer. Computer use Lemmy to start init. Now init start Lemmy too

Crimson writing utensils with political double entrendre potential were seen on wooden furniture.

I must blow. I make this land exist. I carry seeds; I birth...

I am StormFather's kinky side...SormDaddy

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Airplane vvvvrrreeeewwwwweeee BOOM

where I live + self-identifier

Real initials were already taken so Hotmail suggested ending with "2". Unfortunately, "rvq2" looked difficult to secure everywhere (and pretty ugly) so "r2vq" was born and used everywhere.