
0 Post – 181 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Technically correct is the best kind of correct.

18 more...

Usually require aftermarket parts, lamao

Diamond Scarcity

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Corporations are coming, it's inevitable, but at least this time we won't have to deplatform ourselves to have a sensible discussion.

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Hmm, I agree with you 100%, but power of defaults is how big companies get average consumers. Maybe Firefox should make it default with a setting to turn it on?

A setting titled "allow copying of tracking data", a lot of people won't allow.

Fight fire with fire.

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While my cousin's neighbor is fighting a law suit because, a woman (cousin's neighbor) used defibrillator on another woman(when her heart stopped) , and other woman is now suing the neighbor for some minor marks from defibrillator. Mostly neighbor will win the case, but she has to appear in court now. Makes me feel so angry and i don't even know the neighbor lady.

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No it also means it's a service problem in the sense that it's not priced right for a geography. Pricing a game $70 where local average monthly income is $120 a month is a service problem. If you expect people from that geographic region to pay, the product should be priced within their means. And thus argument is valid only for digital goods where every new copy of the said goods costs mere few cents.

It's called nostupidquestions for a reason, my friend and judgment like yours prevents other people's growth, however late that maybe.

Also I'm top 4-5% in my country, but compared to developed countries in not even at top 50% and so many of these digital products are not necessarily priced lower for my region specially the big houses like EA and Ubisoft, so I understand the original comment. And i also agree on the second part that where there is a will there is a way.

But i remeber donating about 10$ for a small dev that was livestreaming and i had pirated the game because game costed 40$. And I thought 10$ was a decent enough donation to cover my sins. Dev in a couple of days was crying over stream about how donating 10$ is doing nothing and he just would buy a beer (10$ buys about 14 beers in my country) and was just being an ass over the stream.

I'm not saying all devs are like that, but for a lot of third world country pirating is a lifestyle not because they just want to keep stealing, they just see it as a movement against wealth inequality. I'm not saying it's right or not, I'm just explaining how the thought process works.

No, you should ignore these types of posts though.

Never threaten someone with something, if you cannot execute the threat.

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I read this as

I fear no man,

But that thing...

Bare cords...

Made with mematic..

This is most important comment, understanding threat vector is most important.

When evaluating if piracy is a problem, understand first who is likely to take action against you.

Using adobe suite and providing finished work to client that will use it. Very few threat vector since your client will never publish the psd(or whatever) file to the world and so adobe will never know.

Now if we change some assumptions and the work you do, your client publishes publicly, or sells to a third party that you do not know or can control. Now you are in uncertain territory. If its published publicly there is a small chance adobe may check meta data to verify licence. Or if its sold to third party, maybe third party uses it in a way that ends up revealing same meta data to adobe. Then adobe may give a shit. Chance probably still small but non-zero.

So understand your use case and who will have access to raw files and metadata. As long as that stays within areas you have control or have reasonable certainty. Adobe has no way to figure it out.

Yes, a good mechanic cycles the tires every service, and recommends switching all 5 before end of life. I've had better luck though convincing my clients to start changing tires one tire at a time starting 1.5 years before end of life at every service. Since a lot of clients don't like shelling money for all 5 at the same time.

It's been 9 years since I've been a mechanic, so take my advice for what you will.

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James S A Corey

It's a pen name but still.

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But then if primary sources for Chinese government are unreliable why are the secondary sources from Chinese local newa agency acceptable? In that case even the secondary sources would be unreliable, where to draw the line?

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I don't think they are idiots more centralization means more regulation weather one likes it or not, regulators somewhere will notice you more popular you become. Piracy is illegal and media publishers will use law whenever they can to target whatever they notice. It's now LW's fault. Problem is it grew too big too fast. All these FOSS apps they were showing LW as default option to sign up instead of randomised one. So a big mass gathered at LW and bada-boom-bada-bam piracy banned. Register on smaller instances or run your own.

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Consider the Alternative Pragmasevka

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Actually at this moment I spite Google more than I spite Microsoft. Like if there were only two browsers in universe and my Firefox was gone. I'd use edge as I hate Google more atm.

This is good thing, fishermen have been claiming watercannon warfare for more than 5 years now, this is the first time government had accused, so it's good thing.

How do you think they're detecting what to sensor, how are they censoring it?

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Aegis works the best for me, it is specifically for power users because it allows sharing of the seed phrase quite easily. So may not be for users who don't understand that part. But for me has been a godsend. I am trying to get my parents on a better 2fa standards. And it works because I scan and setup 2fa first on aegis and then share it to their authy. They find authy useful and I'm not worried about them accidently sharing seed phrase.

For backups, aegis does automatic backups to local storage and next cloud syncs it to my cloud. It is encrypted so you can use something like foldersync to sync it your gdrive or mega or something like that.

Aegis is not multi platform, but I honestly don't care, in my opinion it's better to have aegis on my phone and when I need to login from a desktop, looking up the code in phone is a separate device factor which adds on to the security. Meaning if somebody knew my passwords and stole my laptop, they'll still have to steal my phone to access 2fa. Different story if they steal my phone though.

I still have so many Muslim friends from last three decades and so many of them selectively believe in Islam (not believing in the violence inducing parts of quran), and i used to think that's the norm in most of the world. But now a days, specifically last five years more and more Muslim people I meet, I cannot tell which of them subscribe to the violent and mysogenistic parts of quran. Since so many of my new acquaintances do believe everything in quran. Maybe because last 5 years I'm meeting Muslims from west of Afghanistan and early in my life they were all from India, Malaysia, Indonesia etc. I don't know if it's something triggered by hamas or no.

But just yesterday I had a conversation with a prominent muslim figure in community here over beer (as ironic as that is) where me some others were saying everyone is an asshole between Israel and Hamas. And my Muslim friend that I'e know for about 2 years says, no its Israel that's a piece of shit (which is fine, I understand) but immidiately followed by all non-believers are assholes and should be "taught" . And 70% of that table is non-Muslim. I don't know the way he said it or what, but I felt scared. And this is not isolated, I've noticed this more and more in last 5 years.

I don't know the point I'm making. Just I guess I can't tell now who believes in violence and who doesn't.

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Those ikea chairs, man they give me nightmare

Can I fake being a senior?

Yeah i think cult mentality is the problem. If someone doesn't want to pay or cannot pay, it's their choice/circumstances. If they don't like sync's pricing and wanna stick to FOSS apps, it's their choice. I don't like to see people pushing around others for their choice of what they think is the best.

I don't think AI art should be copyrighted. Copyright is for human creation. The phrase that human generated should be copyright protected (if its unique enough) but not the generated image.

It's the same argument to Scott's bear video is public domain, because a bear clicked shutter button, even though camera belonged to tom scott.

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Why the downvotes, he's got a point. Big mega corps that release $70 games while abandoning the old games are the most moral argument you can make for piracy.

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The thing is my family boils our own beans, and I've noticed everytime I eat canned ones, I fart a lot more, so something about those processed beans.

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That's what all videos are. Fast changing still images. What's new here?

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I have a different nickname for my wife when I want her to come to me. So it's just so easy I just have to shout and she'll show up in a matter of seconds. But if call her by regular name, she'll just reply asking. WHAAAT?

Also I think you're bothered because "come here" is just so basic, feels like an order, we see ourselves as something being told to dogs. Just two more words can change the tone a lot "can you come here?"

To specifically say I was going to smile, but I choose to not.


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India is not distancing itself from West, but geopolitics are different for India. West has not been a reliable trading partner in last 8 decades, last decade West has been reliable but that's mostly because now they want to counter China. USSR/Russia has been more reliable.

But if you take a subset of defense trading partner, West has been very unreliable period. If you look at all the corruption scandals in Indian Defense history you'd realise almost all are with the west, France, Sweden, Italy.

Now going back to broader business and economic development, your argument is probably valid, but from the point of view of India, it is in position of most relative strength in geopolitics than it has ever been, if India can play both sides, it will and it must.

If any dealings with Russia were followed by sanction from the west, I think that's when you'd see who does India favor more. But west won't do it, because West needs India to be strong to counter China and if the cost is delayed fall of Putin, I think west is willing to take that risk, since Russia is no longer the threat it was to the west 3 decades ago.

So, from Indian's point of view if it can both have a cake and eat it too, why would it not?

Nope, just got kidnapped and their organs stolen.

I don't think this is not getting attention, I've had to defend this project on three different platforms from morons that think money spent on nuclear fusion is waste and should go to only renewables. Then one guy spent 7 comment long chain arguing why biochar is the best options and solar and wind can suck ass.

I read books after the show, very rare few cases I can sit through so many books even when I know the story.

I guess that's fair.

Only opinion I care about is everyone is an asshole. If anyone just says Israel must stop without providing any credible pathway for hamas to stop is short sighted. Israel war crimes 100 articles, hamas war crimes 10 articles. Where are the articles for call to hamas to surrender all hostages and weapons?