
0 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

the one and only

I cancelled all my subscription services today and fired up the ol' abandoned Plex server. I was paying for the convenience for awhile to be honest, but I'm over it now. Internet and a VPN are mostly all anybody needs anymore.

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I haven't looked into why they're doing this, so maybe this insight is obvious and well known, but I imagine it has to do with the fact that they spend a shitton of money on these spaces/leases that they can't easily get out of, so their way of dealing with it is by forcing employees to use it. My company is going through a similar situation, but they're accepting the responsibility of eating the cost of the office space lease with several years left on the contract and don't even try to entice people to use it. "Come in if you want, it's going to be here for awhile!" is about as far as it goes, haha. Fuck Amazon.

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No different than Trump

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Being comfortable enough with myself to answer this question honestly: nothing

Damn, this is exactly how I feel. Well said. I honestly feel free after spending over a decade on that god damn website.

Another 50,000 mattresses going to the dump, cool

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It really does surprise me how so many people (at least on Reddit and Lemmy) care so deeply about a headphone jack.

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Jesus fuckin christ.

Five dead, investigation underway.

Investigation could take months, even years.

Heart goes out to those affected. Thanks for sharing this, I'm excited to see this community on Lemmy.

I feel like people just want to hang out and talk about stuff. We don't always need to be wowed by some crazy high quality content or new OC. We just want to hang out with friends and shoot the shit. Most of us are on here to distract us from whatever bullshit we should probably be doing instead.

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Can't believe the victim blaming going on in this thread. What the fuck? You people can't understand that ordinary people didn't want to rise up and risk their lives? They weren't asking for help from citizens of other countries like them, they were asking for help from other militaries since their own failed them. Yet, the people are to blame? How is that a popular opinion? The complete lack of empathy from the privileged is alarming.

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Can we talk about something else

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I agree with the Mr. Robot take in this thread but nothing matches the infectious dialogue and energy that takes place throughout the entire Deadwood series. I never hear or see it talked about online or in my friend groups.

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How anybody takes someone like that seriously is beyond me

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Is the pig okay?

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Motherfucker was caught red handed LMAO

These fucks (his church) will use this as ammo for their anti-LGBTQ cause. "See folks, this is what happens when you dance with the devil." despite them and people like them being the actual reason that led to this man killing himself. Shameful. We're not going to advance as a species/society until we let go of religion. It's not important anymore, it's a fake fairytale much like Santa Claus or the Easter bunny, and people need to accept that there isn't some man in the sky judging you.

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And so it begins

Holy shit man no one deserves to go this way

Edit: this article is something else. I encourage everyone to give it a read.

He then rushed to the scene. “As I reached the bus, the screams turned into a blood-curdling silence,” he said. “I wanted to help but was stopped by a friend and a policewoman, because the bus was still on fire and at risk of explosion.”

A way to combat supporting the asshole directly is to find and buy one second hand. Even swapping out a simple part for <$50 can extend an $800 vacuum cleaner by several years.

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'clearly justified' for shooting and killing a child point blank for threatening violence with a garden hoe? That officer reacted as if he was being hunted by a monster. You people need to learn some fucking empathy and common sense.

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I don't really like this narrative where we make people feel bad about having a kid. People are allowed to have kids.

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I don't think there's a good way to control this. Sounds like these kids were never taught empathy

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The reddit mobile browser is literally broken and keeps getting worse. They are updating it a lot, but I swear to god it gets worse and increasingly broken with each iteration. I actually liked the browser when they initially killed 3rd party apps, but shortly after that it got a huge redesign that was infinitely worse than before. I am thoroughly convinced they want that experience to be miserable so I go download and use their ad-infested shitty app instead. Fuck reddit.

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You don't have anything when you're dead.

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Sync is also one dev while reddit employs over 50 devs for their mobile app alone.

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This is fucking hilarious

Not sure why anyone would rather pay Google money vs simply installing YouTube revanced. If that ever goes away (it won't), then I'll just go back to Firefox + extensions for YouTube on mobile.

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Makes me think of that scene from the Office when Dwight randomly fires a gun in the air at the start of the rabies awareness race. First time I saw that, I thought, "they sure do know how to exaggerate American culture" but alas, here we are.

That's not the point. The point is large corporations continue to go unchecked when it comes to environmental damage and destruction. They're wiping their tears away from this recall with hundred dollar bills.

Incredible how one orange fat man can be this much of a Boogeyman to republicans.

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The gun was loaded with a blank that Gardner made with gunpowder and glue.

This is why. He shot gunpowder and hardened glue projectiles at a child. If you put a blank in a gun, put the gun to your temple and pull the trigger, you can still die. In fact, it has happened before.


Great question btw, OP

Then he's not listening

I'm still salty and disappointed how most people continue to stay there knowing all this shit

My new year's resolution is to post more threads in "dead" communities I care about. Thanks for the perspective.

This is such a great comment, lol

Americans have an estimated 120 guns per 100 citizens, almost double that of the country with the second highest amount of firearms per capita.

Tell me again how that isn't a problem.

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I nuked my history but the account is still active. I'll probably delete it soon. May 2012 inception date. I'm surprised how easy it has been to stop using it after all this time. Admittedly, I haven't used Lemmy nearly as much as I would reddit, but that is a good thing for me.

I fully expect the folks here to be rabid anti gun without any rationale arguments for that stance

Maybe don't start off your argument with calling someone an asshat then 🤷‍♂️

I'm not anti gun, btw. I own a shotgun and know how to use it. My state recently passed a ban on semi-automatic assault weapons that I voted in favor of. But go ahead and keep insulting those who disagree with you and assuming they're 'rabid anti gun.'

Americans have all sorts of mental health issues that are completely undiagnosed and many of them are dealing with their unchecked emotions by waltzing into a Sportsman's Warehouse and back out with a cart of weapons after signing some waivers and shooting up places with large gatherings of people.

I don't even understand how people argue against this shit. It's been happening for far too long, getting much worse, and America is basically alone on top of this shit mountain we've built for ourselves.

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