Alabama Mayor Kills Self After Right-Wing Blog Outs His Cross-Dressing to – 1217 points –
Alabama Mayor Kills Self After Right-Wing Blog Outs His Cross-Dressing

Bubba Copeland shot himself in front of police on Friday, days after he begged 1819 News not to expose his private life.


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These fucks (his church) will use this as ammo for their anti-LGBTQ cause. "See folks, this is what happens when you dance with the devil." despite them and people like them being the actual reason that led to this man killing himself. Shameful. We're not going to advance as a species/society until we let go of religion. It's not important anymore, it's a fake fairytale much like Santa Claus or the Easter bunny, and people need to accept that there isn't some man in the sky judging you.

We're not going to advance as a species/society until we let go of religion.

Pot kettle black.

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