
15 Post – 297 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I sincerely hope that you don't think that group chats, online gaming, or phones are "better" than true social life, because there is overwhelming science indicating that those things are making people absolutely miserable... and we actually don't need science to see it everyday.

But people wouldn't buy the newer chip because the previous one would still have support. THAT is why the source is closed. To sell support until the cow is milked enough and then sell a newer version.

That's what I said.

It's very easy to get a Gnome look and feel with Plasma nowadays.

I still don't know why Gnome loves wasting 3 % of the screen on an empty black bar, tho.

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As a small phone lover, here's the thing: we don't consume as many phones or as many services as (general) big phone people.

It's not only about the size of the community. It's that our phones are tools generally at our service and not the reverse.

Hopefully Linux phones are not so far away from usable in the next couple years.

15 more...

For a second I thought they were launching their federated lemmy/kbin instance. With different communities, like "support", "bugs", "news"...

Would have been freaking awesome and a great use case for Lemmy and federarion.

Good for them anyway.

19 more...

Do you really think these years existed?

There is a big jump from letting someone do some swipes on your Tinder profile with your permission to forcing an unwanted marriage for third party gains.

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Tasks.org, synced with Nextcloud tasks.

You must download it from F-droid for the sync to be free. On Play Store it's under a paywall by dev decision (to promote open source portals).

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Who thought it was a good idea to have single torrents of multiple TB??

Somehow all these OSS projects that start with only a Mac client seem so suspicious to me...

I wonder if they will enforce a login to use the software?

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Plasma is rock solid. Yes, you can break it. And that is called freedom.

If you don't install 30 third party widgets and themes, you'll be FINE, while still being able to make it yours.

That is why I always choose KDE Plasma (we'll see when Cosmic comes).

11 more...

Avoid Manjaro, if you plan on entering the ArchLinux space do it with EndeavourOS.

I would avoid Ubuntu, but that is more because I dislike their politics on snaps.

You are an entry-level IT pro, so, I'd suggest EndeavourOS for personal, Debian for work. Why? Simple, Debian is widely used in professional environments, nobody will look at you weird for using a "less professional" distro.

In terms of University work, you are saying you guys use Teams and Office, probably with a student license that would give you access to a full online Office experience through the browser, just use that.

In terms of gaming, things are looking pretty good nowadays, and with a more personal distro, such as EndeavourOS, you'll get the latest advancements in gaming.

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It's literally Arch Linux but with an easy bundled installer and a couple of small tools you'll forget about.

I am using it until the archinstall script gets easier for dual-boot, encrypted BTRFS configs.

I kinda wished the EndeavourOS team made efforts to improve archinstall and simply bundled their couple extra tools as that, extra tools for easier Arch Linux usage, instead of branding it all like a new distro.

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Torrent software usually shows average data transfer of the last X seconds. Actually, everything that measures data speed is doing that.

It might be that your config has a relatively long average. Nothing to worry about.

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Then publish on both!

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If it gets 7 years of software updates it might be my next phone, although I hate the absurdly big size.

I'd buy an "iPhone Mini" Android right now if some company had the balls to do it.

15 more...

Definitely try gestures.

Being able to "go back" from a gentle swipe at any height is a blessing for the small hand. The rest of options are really, really intuitive.

Unless you have some mobility issues, you'll never come back after a week.

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If you are not hosting, it having a repo on Github makes no difference. The server you are connecting to might have a different service running and you cannot know.

DRM is already applied for certain content in websites such as Netflix, etc, and it makes it waaaay harder to bypass.

For example, Netflix (and the others) use DRM to block Linux computers from higher quality content. Why? I guess "hackers" and "think of the children". Truth is... content is already pirated from the second it gets released on any of these platforms... so they are not really fixing anything... I guess they really want you to use a tracking OS.

Imagine this kind of system but for an entire website. Big companies imposing their devices and software as the only way to access a website... which is really just HTML and Javascript files, entirely platform agnostic... but who cares? They are struggling for money so they are squeezing every little possibility.

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Are you sure this is christian, step-cryptosibling?

I am a big big big Linux fan, but I feel that after 30 years, it is time for a non-monolithic kernel. I know Linus hates the idea of microkernels but the era of Rust is finally here and it shows that safe microkernels are fully possible now, and I believe the advantages and modularity can be amazing for a new era of open source computing.

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But it is not a small phone?? I wish it was truly small. The phone is huge.

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New thunderbird app please be good... FairEmail is the best there is, but every few months we hit one of these critical points where the dev is about to shut everything down... and I am afraid the end is coming.

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I just tried HeliBoard. Ditching Florisboard for now. I still think Florisboard has potential but it is undeveloped, and HeliBoard has everything you'd expect for a Gboard open source substitution. Let's go! Finally we have our first open source keyboard alternative without drawbacks!

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This is the definitive replacement for gboard, people. It works fantastically well already with everything that Gboard has and it will only get better from here on.

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I read somewhere that those deja vu and precognition dreams are actually mostly your mind having a glitch, believing this present moment is also past. No dream or past event exists, you just think it does because it feels like it. Weird stuff.

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Useless article. It's a goddamn tool. If I take a million dollar car, I can still use it to kill people if I want to. This is just asking for standard information you can see in medical websites, and you want it banned?

Don't worry, we are sure you Wayland haters will keep up some obscure X distro with a spacebar-heater feature while the rest of the world keeps moving forward.

I mean, I'd love to get paid that amount of money for a few months, do barely nothing, blame my inferiors and retire with investments and a small restaurant in a friendly town.

4G is here to stay for a long while. It's fast enough for 99% of cases and 5G only covers very small areas, and will only be used (at least for now) on crowded areas where it makes sense.

Also, this device has 480p screen... I think 4G is pretty fine.

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Although I totally get why lemmy.ml would want to do something like that, it's not "being polite...", it's "enforcing politeness..."

Some banking services do only work through the app, believe it or not, as it is "the trusted device".

I have to say that I feel that currently the most consumed contents in the Internet are mostly human-written; and my proof is actually that it is now when the tendency is clearly changing. I have stumbled upon a few AI-generated articles already in the past few months, without looking for them specifically. You could tell because it sometimes focuses on weird details, or even I have seen l some kind of

as an AI, I do not have an opinion on the subject [...]

which is so funny when you see it.

So, yeah, it is definitely starting to happen, and in the next few years I wouldn't be surprised if 30 to 50 % of articles are just AI blorbs built for clicks.

How to avoid this? We can't. The only way would be to shut down the Internet, forbid computers and go back to a simpler life. And that, for many reasons will not happen unless some world-class destruction event happens.

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I think simple always wins, and that is Upvotes + Downvotes. It gives you the size of both sides of the coin, while it also allows me to kinda see "woah, this post is generating lots of engagement", whereas score + % may show a 2 + 50% and I don't really know what that means.

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A glass back is not necessary for wireless charging. There's many materials that can fit there, the glass choice is purely for "premium" feel.

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If you have an ereader with an eink screen... it's a no-brainer. Digital books are soooo good.

  • virtually no weight
  • virtually no space
  • waaaaay cheaper
  • your local library has probably a way bigger and more accessible catalogue of ebooks than physical ones
  • tap and hold a word and get an automatic definition/translation
  • adjust text size or font
  • dark mode, if you into that (in some models)
  • Text-to-speech (in some models)
  • highlight text and write notes without f-ing up pages
  • literally translate entire phrases or look particular information from Wikipedia or similar with a simple gesture.
  • backup all of those and do crazy stuff like an automatic daily email to yourself with cool notes you took months/years ago.

Physical books nowadays are like vynil music... it's for the artwork and having a physical "certificate" of something you love. Like... if I discover a book I really enjoy, I'll probably buy a physical version so I can, you know, have it there on the shelf, like you have family pics or something.

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Let's face it, if you install Linux (or even Windows!) for your mom, you put VLC in there.

Yes, some other tools are better at some things, but VLC is the perfect choice for the "standard" user.

Isn't it crazy? When I found it I couldn't believe my eyes. I mean... Hopefully it does not disappoint when I get it

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I don't think this article is right.

Competition is good. The problem is uneducated buyers.