What’s the strangest unexplained thing that’s happened to you ?

NataliePortland@lemmy.ca to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 112 points –

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I read somewhere that those deja vu and precognition dreams are actually mostly your mind having a glitch, believing this present moment is also past. No dream or past event exists, you just think it does because it feels like it. Weird stuff.

I get that that is the rational explanation. But I swear this one day I woke up after having a short but very specific dream, I was in class talking to my friends sitting in a very specific position and one of my mates said something. Later that day that situation happened and I almost said what he said in unison.

Years later one of those guys also told me about it, so its not like I made that memory up. But it just doesn't make sense??

Next time it happens try to predict what will happen in the next 30 seconds and say it out loud or write it down before it happens. If you can't, it's natural Deja Vu

And if he does he is a goddamn psychic.

I dunno without spoon bending how can you make such a wild claim lol

That's probably true for most stuff but I've heard weird stuff. I knew someone that said they had one of those moments where they were able to guess who was going to walk through the door next. Or they chose a college based on a dream and then remembered when they ended up in the situation with the dream at that college.

The brain accessed ROM when it should've accessed RAM.