
5 Post – 152 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

That my friend, is a insult to 14 year olds.

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Fear is my favourite type of egg to use in cakes.

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Its because the children yearn for the mines.

"bruh or some shit" is a pretty long name.

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IRC? Matrix? XMPP?

So they should starve? The religion itself says self harm is forbidden. If it comes between disobeying religion and self harm you should choose disobeying religion. For example if you are starving you are permitted to eat non halal food.

Don't start this. Its not like gif. Git is clearly pronounced like git. There is no possible argument you can make otherwise.

Was walking through the woods. Came across a clearing where a guy was sitting on a log sharpening his knife. His back was turned to me so I just ran away. A little while later I came across another clearing with a random guy digging a hole with a shovel. A few seconds later I heard a loud thud as if something had been thrown into the hole. People do weird things when alone in the woods. It is a weird that I had both of those encounters in the same day. Who knows maybe it was the same guy? They were both wearing dark orange. Prolly just a concidence right?

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any sort of FFI on a modern OS will need to be done through C

Oy bot that ain't youtube its the dictionary.

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Good luck telling multi billion dollar companies to give up their datasets. All you can manage to accomplish is pull up the ladder on newer startups and secure their monopoly. A better solution might be to make AI accessible and free (like llama) so that small artists can take advantage of it and not all the big wigs make all the money. AI is perfectly good tool to speed up artist efficiency.

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Yes but under the hood, IOS is using a filesystem. Hiding helpful details is not the same as simply being a different way to use a computer. One actively makes the computer harder to use.

No do it for your own sake. Or simply your sanity.

In terms of privacy is xManager safe? When I downloaded it I was faced with an ad which seems sketchy for a GPL licensed application.

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C is not a great language but is the best language we have.

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Unless it is a very hot day you don't really notice it. I sometimes put it on when I feel like I might sweat throughout the day but it isn't really necessary and no one really cares.

Spotiflyer <- Give a link to a song/playlist from various platforms and it will download it for you.

Feeder <- Great all around RSS feeder that can help you read your feeds on the go.

Metro player <- FOSS music player with great customizable UI. Has tons of features.

Probably more that I can't think of at the moment.

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Now thats a bit rude. You could of just not responded to him. Instead you take time out of your day to say "I don't want to learn."

Well I want to be part of the decentralized web. I think it is very cool to be free of corporations. Just was wondering if there was a point in all of this. Of course the fediverse is better than centralized solutions but I don't know if there is even a point in trying to build these platforms as they are just a way to waste time. Although it might be a good idea to keep but just never scroll and only use to ask for help, opinions or just to share what is on your mind. It is a useful tool just not what it is mainly used for.

The song Peaches by The Presidents of The USA

Jetbrains Mono (Nerd Font). There is no other option for me.

Blast some bots in Quake 3.

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Usenet archives on telehack.com. Its like a time capsule. I get to read all these interesting posts from the arpanet as if it was still up today. If you browse long enough you suddenly be surprised to find some famous person's casual post about whatever topic was on their mind at the time. Like I found one of ken thompson's post on the world chess championship match.

I am a teenager and can't understand shit. What does HMU even mean?

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Thanks for the reminder. Totally forgot to reply to confirm my interview time.

Cmon, You can't just do that and not show your rice? Lemme see those dotfiles, I need that background.

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We need to get like a daily award that we can give to strangers kind of like the free reddit awards you used to be able to get. It would nice edition. Don't how you stop people from bot farming them though.

Ran yay in the background (forgot about it) and then a few minutes later closed my computer because I was all of a sudden at 100% cpu usage and I didn't know what process was causing it and the easiest way to kill it would be too shut down the machine. I probably should've just opened btop and killed it but I was too lazy. I ended not being able to boot my computer for a few days untul some nice lemmy folk walked my through my first chroot rescue. It was a educational experience. Next time someone makes the same mistake I can help them out.

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Not my daily but I carry around a usb with slax linux as a portable work environment as well as a recovery tool.

Well by definition most of us aren't artists. Artists are a small minority. It would be pretty easy to guess who isn't an artist by just claiming everyone isn't except for the people explicitly say they are and it would be like 98 percent true.

Her dance class or the carrots?

Good for you. Happy to see a new user. Good luck on your Linux journey. And remember if someone recommends you remove the french language pack don't do it.

Maybe their a machochist?

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I missed those toys :(. Are they still available to buy?

Generalization is big issue. Whether its generalizing all Jews as Zionists or all Muslims as terrorists. I blame lack interactions between cultures. Talking to other cultures helps you realize we are all the same at the end of the day. We need to realize most people don't want to inflict suffering and are not your enemy.

Freetube, Individious, Piped, CloudTube, PokeTube, Tubo, Yattee are the main ones I know of. If you want be automatically redirected to alternative youtube frontends installed Lib Redirect.

Might be missclick. Some people have fat fingers.

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Just buy two groceries at once and preserve one of them.