Attitude to Religion and its believers. to – 55 points –

What is your general attitude towards those who believe in religion whether they are jewish, Muslim, Christian etc etc.

Do you get on well with any religious friends and neighbours?

Have you ever thought of believing in a religion at some point?

If you do not like the faiths, why?

If you DO, also why? Does this come from your family? Maybe something went bad during your life?

I get that Lemmy might have the same stereotype in Reddit that there are loads of atheists, but there's a good reason why despite criticism of religion, it is still here.

P.S. I am not religious or anti religious in any fashion, I am agnostic.


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The problem with this theory is that we dont have a complete explanation for existence without the existence of a higher power.

Yep, but we have tool for trying to understand it. It's called scientific method, and it has so far been able to help us understand the mechanics of the universe without resorting to crazy claims such as "yeah must have been super powered aliens", which is the only offer from religion.

I do get that there's a chance that it's all bogus, and that there really is or was a god that created everything in a way we have been able to measure it, but why exactly should I believe it? Which story should I believe? 'In this world of a million religions everyone prays the same way', the same human made stories written over centuries trying to explain the world around us. In this context religion seems nothing more than a predecessor to scientific method turned into crowd control tool.

My main point is any philosophy about where humans came from is a matter of faith. I was just pointing out the issue where evolution doesnt sufficiently explain things, but most atheists are aware of this or just handwave away the problem.

I suppose on picking a religion you would need to look at what makes the most logical sense, and is most consistent. Also I would look at what has the best track record with the best outcome.

Yeah that religion is called science. To suggest that gaps exist on evolution so we need to go examine religion is an a joke of an argument. The difference in successful capturing of the reality of the process of life by the theory of evolution to any religion is galactic in scale. Your justification is ridiculous and only exists because you cannot let go of the lies someone taught you as a child in order to control you.

The joke is that you think you follow science and then outright discount things when they are not what you want.

I mean we can talk about how god is a non sense idea.

So with what certainty do you think there is no God?

Around the same certainly that I think balloons exist inside giraffes on the moon of TRAPPIST-1b.

So this points out how you dont care about science because you are completely close minded. What you will find is that with your group this is common, they will not even begin to admit the possibility of a deity.

I gave you my assessment of my the possibility, more over the subject has been significantly more explored than the evidence for it. Doing good science is not endlessly chasing any possible outcome, it is rigorously evaluating those you can investigate.

That said,

There is no god and your a fool, feel fucking bad for you. I'm really sorry people manipulated you as a child to the point your trapped by the idea. Haunted even.

Evolution theory DOES explain where we came from, and the theory is proven billion times over and over. It's insanity to believe anything else. As Dawkins neatly put it, we have more evidence for evolution theory than we have for Holocaust.

but most atheists are aware of this or just handwave away the problem.

No, 'atheists' do not handwave problems found in scientific theories away but study it until it's no longer a problem. What religion does is just says "it must be gods" and throws any reason to thrash bin

The issue is you guys do handwaving about how the basic building blocks started and then go on to look at fossil progression. You guys need to stop and look at how it seems to be impossible for DNA to develop and how evolution doesnt have a good explaination for it.

No one is handwaving away problems we are yet to solve, except the people just claiming "must have been gods"

There has always been and probably always will be new problems to solve. Scientists have been working on trying to understand and resolve those problems, and we know so much more today than we did 100 years ago. We take evolution theory as a fact, because it's the theory that has been proven billions of times again and again, and we keep finding more proof for it. Just because we might not know everything yet, is not an argument against the only working theory we have.

Your Christ illusion has been proven zero times

You can say its not handwaving, but as evolution currently stands it is an impossible theory. Until there is an actual explanation you can say its been "proven billions of times".

Until there is an actual explanation you can say its been "proven billions of times"

All the evidence we have supports evolution theory

Except for the very start of it, and unless you can answer that question it voids all of evolution.

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isn't a 'higher power' just kicking the can down the road?

It could be, I guess it would all depend on the theory of what a higher power is. If its God, then thats the endpoint, if its aliens or simulation theory, then it definitely is a kick.

i am not sure what's the difference there. why is one an endpoint, and the others aren't?

God would be an endpoint in that its the full explaination, where as if aliens put the basic building blocks of life on earth then the question is where did the aliens come from.

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