Head of group responsible for Project 2025 threatens violence if people challenge their "revolution"

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 959 points –
Head of group responsible for Project 2025 threatens violence if people challenge their "revolution"

"And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be," he said.


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Better? Sadly, that’s not gonna change anything. The neo-commies have pushed a lot of the lefties to the “not voting” mentality. Which, as designed, creates a Trump win.

I love how lefties are always blamed for dem losses. It couldn’t possibly be the democratic party’s fault at all for anything.

A lefty isn’t a lefty if they are willing to let it slide right because they’re sad their options are poor this year.

That’s called an accelerationist. It’s what happens when far left or far right people give up trying to change things in a traditional way, and focus on pushing society to the brink.

Lemmy (and to an extent all social media) is a breeding ground for accelerationist thinking. Most of the comments here are focused on leftist gategeeking in order to persuade them to think in that way.

A lefty isn’t a lefty if they are willing to let it slide right because they’re sad their options are poor this year.

I don’t see how lefties are sliding right at all.

The only job of the Democratic Party is to get votes, if they are not courting votes from demographics they need, that is 100% the party’s fault and no one else’s. The options being “poor this year” is a massive Democratic Party failing.

If the election this year is as dire as dems are claiming, why aren’t they doing a better job?

I didn’t say THEY are sliding right. I said IT. Meaning the government.