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Joined 2 months ago

I’m guessing someone did 🔫🩸👂

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“Massage appointments” are in every conservative’s calendar.

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"I very much doubt anyone is go to stop a little old lady wearing a mask for health reasons," said Legislator Howard Kopel.

😬 little old WHITE lady.

A national security risk is allowing foreign ownership of residential property.

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That’s meta Being scared that Trump is going to win

They aren’t Nazis. They are Russian agents. That’s why Putapute is sad.

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Past preferred

What a wimp.

Sign the “my body my choice” law. It allows you to choose where you can have an abortion. Tacked onto it, in small text, is a law that bans abortions. But hey, at least you could choose if you had those rights. Freedumb

What I really want is an iPhone charger shaped Linux server that plugs into the wall and has a usb port on it and WiFi. Then I can use it to make any usb device programmable. Printer, webcam, hard drive, monitor, touchscreen, whatever.

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Just one?

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Every accusation is a confession

November may be the last time you see a ballot box

Obviously, they should start eating cake.

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How is the onion even in business?

Just another law targeted at black people.

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All they have to do is weaken the election process and they can swoop in and grab everything. Thats how it is in the US too.

Black people don’t have respiratory issues, so every mask is an attempted murder. Better shoot on sight.


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So… they’re Putzis?

riddled with waste and lacks oversight

That’s Texas for you.

It’s obviously Joe Biden’s fault. Bridgocide Joe.

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The only safe foods are beef wheat potatoes and high fructose corn syrup.

I would rather die than give up the coffee

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Igor worked as a self-employed labourer

A spy.

Yes. Enormous efforts. “Genocide Joe” (the name) is part of that effort.

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No vaccines for you, eh?

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I’m glad watermelons are getting the press they deserve. Watermelons are delicious.

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And some of us got confused when we found out those ears had dicks.

It is manipulation of government officials to make the US totally unlivable, and to accelerate it’s fall as a world of power

Are you trying to help me sharpen, or get my account banned from this right-leaning new community?


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That temporal upscaling is gonna make doom look to good. 240fps.

Because anyone cares what the taliban thinks.

I have found the bones of the rich to be too brittle to build with. Alas, you cannot mention such things in this community. Civil unrest is strictly prohibited!

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Planet Denial.

Bitcoin mining industry is urgently trying to push bills through state legislatures, including in Indiana and Missouri, which would exempt Bitcoin mines from local zoning or noise ordinances. In May, Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed a “Bitcoin Rights” bill to protect miners and prevent any future attempts to ban the industry.

All you need to know. Treasonous motherfuckers throwing their own countrymen under the bus for lobby money.

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Because Lemmy is flooded with Russian influence, and most of the news and comments are directed to Biden topics instead of Trump topics to keep the heat on the “right person”

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In all fairness to the “Jewish settlers,” a good portion of those people eyeing the Ill-gotten gains of the Israeli genocide aren’t Jewish at all.

I don’t think this author really understands Civil War

Are you saying recorded temperatures are being made up?

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Better? Sadly, that’s not gonna change anything. The neo-commies have pushed a lot of the lefties to the “not voting” mentality. Which, as designed, creates a Trump win.

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Not fast enough. I want relief.