Transcend Wifi SD Card Is A Tiny Linux Server to – 247 points –
Transcend Wifi SD Card Is A Tiny Linux Server

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What I really want is an iPhone charger shaped Linux server that plugs into the wall and has a usb port on it and WiFi. Then I can use it to make any usb device programmable. Printer, webcam, hard drive, monitor, touchscreen, whatever.

Apple's old airport express was kinda that. You plugged it into the wall and it was a wifi repeater, had a USB port to make your wired printer wireless, and a 3.5mm jack for airplay to speakers. It was about the size of a macbook power brick, but for 2004 you can't complain.

But there are Wifi plugs you can command via network address.

Tasmota ones, but the esp32(?) was already mentioned. It's in the greeni wifi plugs, if I recall, and so many others.