Help setting up OpenWRT for extra router to – 41 points –

I have an unused Raspberry Pi 4 (2GB model) lying around and I would like to install OpenWRT on it and use it as a router. I get Internet from DSL so I can't hook it up on the Raspberry Pi directly, I need to plug an Ethernet cable coming from my actual router to the Pi.

I am no expert on networking, so please forgive me if I say something that is wrong. I want the WAN coming in from the router from the Pi's Ethernet port, and the LAN coming out as Wi-Fi. I may also stick an additional Ethernet adapter to it in the future. I have tried doing this many times and have failed. So, could anyone explain to me how could I do this?

Also, what are VLANs, what are their uses and if I wanted one, how could I setup it in OpenWRT?

Thanks in advance.


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I honestly think you would be more happy with any hackable (openwrt compatible) router over the pi. The pi is great for many things but for a router is really lacking.

Maybe, but I my router is not hackable and I don't plan on buying one that is.

I got a top of the range one from 7 years ago for £25 on eBay.

How much are pis nowadays?