'Some folks need killing': MAGA candidate praises violence in unhinged church rant

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 511 points –
'Some folks need killing': MAGA candidate praises violence in unhinged church rant

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Why does Israeli leadership keep saying that the war ends the instant amerikkka stops shipping them weapons?

Because they're lying. They have had just over $300 Billion dollars in support from the US over the years, they have enough money to keep the war going until everyone is dead.


Ending U.S. military aid today “would send a message to all of Israel’s enemies that Israel’s greatest friend was stepping away, so they should double down on their plans for more, and more deadly, assaults on the Jewish state,” wrote CFR Senior Fellow Elliott Abrams in September 2023.

— your source (Abrams is also a convicted war criminal and Trump/Biden appointee)

These constraints explain why, in January 2023, the administration asked Israel to transfer 300,000 artillery shells from American stockpiles located in Israel to Ukraine. Of course, Israel herself now needs those stocks. Not to mention Tamir interceptors for Iron Dome, which are also manufactured in small quantities in the US, bombs, and spare parts for aircraft, tank shells, and so on. One does not need a security clearance to conclude that Israel’s military dependence on the United States is nearly absolute.
