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What is the point of “democracy” in the USA if unelected judges who were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote but won the presidency due to the slaveowner-designed electoral college can just nullify anything that is even slightly good? It’s almost as though amerikkka has always been a fascist dictatorship toward anyone who is not a rich white male and that this country desperately needs a communist revolution right now.

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Enshittification, also known as the overall tendency of profit to decline.

Class struggle begins with the Neolithic Revolution, but capitalism started in 16th century England.

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Same goes for all american flags.

“Damn maybe somebody should do something about this” — biden, current emperor of the USA (according to the SCOTUS)

China’s mass transit is better. Probably we should just hire the Chinese to construct a national bullet train network in ten years like they did in China. But wait, we can’t do that because that threatens the profits of the bourgeoisie, who are the true rulers of amerikkka. Oh well, enjoy your eight hour commute to make your bosses richer!

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And re-open their office on right-wing domestic terror that was closed in 2009.

Are they also going to put themselves in prison?

Interestingly, the CIA also rescued thousands of high-profile Nazis and brought them to the USA, where they were given positions of power and authority (Operation Paperclip, Operation Bloodstone), and began teaching people that changing anything is impossible and we need to fight communism because it is evil and authoritarian and goes against human nature and always fails (not because it’s the most effective way to destroy Nazism).

I like Graeber but his sources (Michael Hudson) are better, and books like Man Makes Himself are also much more interesting.

I hate trump but he’s honestly right here. Imagine signing up to join the military to murder brown children overseas in order to further enrich american corporations.

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Remind me who placed the Shah in power in Iran. Also, please tell me about the coup in Guatemala. Who was running Cuba before the workers/peasants sent nazis like yourself packing?

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It would be nice if liberals like biden and his supporters stopped either enabling or aping conservatives.

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Yes, Biden is a liberal, which is one of many reasons why he supports genocide. It’s nothing new for liberals. Just look at the history of the USA for instance. This hellhole couldn’t exist without genocide.

Guatemala, Iran, the Congo, and the Dominican Republic are all listed here:


This doesn’t include Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, or Israel, where the CIA has been heavily involved for decades. They were also very much involved in destroying the USSR, now that you mention it, and happily admit to all of this (in addition to rescuing thousands of high-profile nazis). They’ve also admitted to controlling the corporate media (Operation Mockingbird) and just admitted to pushing anti-vaxx propaganda in the Philippines. Millions of needless deaths can easily be attributed to them. Do you enjoy listening to people who rescue nazis telling you how to think on CNN and in the NYT?

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How can you separate one from the other? History doesn’t just begin and end at the convenience of white supremacists. When did the colonization end, for instance? All the euro-kkkolonizers are still here, they just changed their flag and started sending their taxes to DC instead of London.

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Ending U.S. military aid today “would send a message to all of Israel’s enemies that Israel’s greatest friend was stepping away, so they should double down on their plans for more, and more deadly, assaults on the Jewish state,” wrote CFR Senior Fellow Elliott Abrams in September 2023.

— your source (Abrams is also a convicted war criminal and Trump/Biden appointee)

These constraints explain why, in January 2023, the administration asked Israel to transfer 300,000 artillery shells from American stockpiles located in Israel to Ukraine. Of course, Israel herself now needs those stocks. Not to mention Tamir interceptors for Iron Dome, which are also manufactured in small quantities in the US, bombs, and spare parts for aircraft, tank shells, and so on. One does not need a security clearance to conclude that Israel’s military dependence on the United States is nearly absolute.


Why does Israeli leadership keep saying that the war ends the instant amerikkka stops shipping them weapons?

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“Wow this is incredibly inspiring, I will relentlessly attack anyone who questions this” — liberals

I guess when the Soviets destroyed the nazis they were also russian bots.

Cool, let’s get rid of the FBI and the NSA too. And also the Pentagon.

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One might almost think that the CIA should be abolished 🤔

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Zinn still begins his book by complaining about Stalin, who, last time I checked, never set foot in the United States. A People’s History is still a liberal text, one that insists that the USA is flawed but good. We read it in my APUSH class, and even today the teacher is a hardcore Biden supporter who thinks that communism is evil and that workers should allow capitalists to drain their blood. People who are actually interested in american history should read Gerald Horne.

Yeah dude this looks super family-friendly, just like Biden’s genocide in Palestine:


Remind me who invented the concept of race?

Imagine celebrating centuries of ongoing slavery and genocide.

Why were slaveowners compensated after the civil war but not slaves? If colonization ended in the USA, was all the stolen land given back to Native Americans? If not, I guess nazism is still very much a thing in this shithole!

Imagine thinking that a billionaire and a homeless person are treated equally under amerikkkan law. Amazingly, profoundly racist of you to believe this when the pigs murder three people every day here. How many of them are rich?

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Unless the landowners are Black or Indigenous. I don’t recall euro-kkkolonizers asking their opinion about colonization either in the seventeenth century or today.

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Hillary would have won if not for the electoral college. Why aren’t the Democrats trying to abolish it?

Imagine excusing any of that. What if they had murdered your kids?

Dude if you like teddy roosevelt quotes, you’re going to love all the horrible shit he said about Native Americans. His family also got their start by selling drugs to China.

This isn’t directed at you, but I’m getting really tired of so many on the left bitching about everything, but not offering any viable alternatives.

The only viable thing to do is to vote for genocide and make excuses for it.

Which corporate CIA source should I use to excuse the nazis who run the USA?

Maybe the USA could stop destroying their home countries so they feel no need to leave? Do you think they actually want to come here?

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Why would I care about the visibility of my user account?

I mean, both trump and biden are genocidal lunatics so they should both be in prison, along with anyone who excuses them.

Say “death to amerikkka” to your boss and then tell me we don’t live under a fascist dictatorship. It’s been like this since 1492.

I definitely don’t put them in a concentration camp like biden. I also try not to destroy their country in order to enrich my corporate puppet masters.

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I’m currently annoying nazis. Do you live in a swing state?

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To not vote for either nazi. You probably don’t live in a swing state so your vote doesn’t matter anyway, all thanks to the amazing electoral college that the democrats never even mention abolishing despite losing the 2000 and 2016 presidential elections because of it.

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